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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. Yes, you squeaked in. I'll have a proper second round post soon, but here is the lineup, and you may start playing. The deadline for this stage is Friday, March 28th, 2008 @ 11:59 pm EDT. Two weeks: salaxzar (9.25) black vs. estevao white vs. dpaladin black vs. liviuo black vs. nemitor_atimen white vs. doolittle estevao (7.75) white vs. salaxzar black vs. dpaladin white vs. liviuo white vs. nemitor_atimen black vs. doolittle dpaladin (5.50) black vs. salaxzar white vs. estevao white vs. liviuo black vs. nemitor_atimen black vs. doolittle liviuo (3.75) white vs. salaxzar black vs. estevao black vs. dpaladin white vs. nemitor_atimen white vs. doolittle nemitor_atimen (2.50) white vs. salaxzar black vs. estevao white vs. dpaladin black vs. liviuo black vs. doolittle doolittle (2.25) black vs. salaxzar white vs. estevao white vs. dpaladin black vs. liviuo white vs. nemitor_atimen
  2. estevao 1-0 mechasonic4ever http://www.iggamecenter.com/gm.php?aid=3095&gid=1&sid=20092&code=PIKAFU641
  3. hi hi days are left Friday night @ 11:59 pm EDT.
  4. http://www.iggamecenter.com/gm.php?aid=3095&gid=1&sid=19816&code=HEFIFE891 estevao 1-0 cuturekoi
  5. Alright, this phase ends on Friday night (the 14th). I'll be at work that night so sometime in the few hours afterwards... Registration is over.
  6. lol it's all good I can't find an opponent so lolz We've still got 12 dayz laft.
  7. Eppy will be taking a brief leave for family reasons. He says he should be back on Sunday.
  8. hey. play sum chess boyz n girlz.
  9. i haven't the mustard to defeat keegz in true battle. http://www.iggamecenter.com/gm.php?aid=3095&gid=1&sid=18504&code=XABAZE234 estevao ½-½ keegan
  10. eppy can be such a bitch: http://www.iggamecenter.com/gm.php?aid=3095&gid=1&sid=18439&code=RAPONO165 eppy 1-0 me
  11. LivioU 1-0 estevao http://gc1.iggamecenter.com/gm.php?gid=1&sid=18426&code=GITEDI524〈=en
  12. Sounds like what happened to me - my form started collapsing around move 2 (actually a little farther down the road - I feel like I played well against him last night, of course I still lost which is the problem).
  13. Something is up with the colors. Atul, you played as wrong colors both games, but for some reason I have keegs vs. culturekoi as two whites... EDIT: COLORS FIXED:
  14. Sets get too long for the busiest of us to get even a serious attempt in, and you start thinking more than one game at a time - I want epic battles, game by game The finals will be the third game between those two players, if that's any consolation...
  15. http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article3393244.ece Using terms from the soundclip I posted, Sony is now the de facto winner and superpower. Every dollar Toshiba invests in HD-DVD from last week forward is absolutely wasted, IMO. It is only a matter of time before Blu-Ray is the de jure format.
  16. correction on the thing. FIONN is "tehchoirboy"
  17. Well, you're correct. The porn adoption of the internet in the early 90's helped the internet revolution along, but now that you have a cheap medium in which to deliver content, home videos appear to have little pull.
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