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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. I miss Dinosaurs :'( That was a show that was very very odd. Simpsons with muppets
  2. I've extended the deadline to the end of the month (again). I think I'll be resigning myself to the fact that each of these league phases really needs a good solid month to complete. In other news: EXPANSION!
  3. It's okay, Bahamut is one of those them there that they call "grad students."He's un smart cookie, or as we like ter say,
  4. CA omg wtf is this thread for. to belittle the rest of the world? even our little fledgling out-in-the-ocean states have no concept of the world outside of America? NO WONDER EVERYONE HATES US. btw...Guam...not a state. Neither is Puerto Rico. 10char edit: sorry, I want to apologize. "octobomb" is a fucking cool name.
  5. I have always liked Shoe.
  6. METZGERISM (6:50:51 AM): I think I'd rather have the commies than the Osamas MAngers99 (6:50:56 AM): Well, it's not like it doesn't exist. I mean, Russia is still there METZGERISM (6:51:09 AM): yeah but it's Putin METZGERISM (6:51:15 AM): he's all 5'6" and shit MAngers99 (6:51:20 AM): lol METZGERISM (6:51:41 AM): it's all he can do to keep Kasparov from 1. e4++'ing his ass
  7. 1. e4++!!! Легендарный Советский Герой!
  8. http://www.googlegamecenter.com/gm.php?aid=3095&gid=1&sid=13863&code=REXEFA995 dPaladin and I in a VERY good, very tough matchup. I won as white.
  9. 1. e4++!!! Love, Kasparov! (someone make a pic!)
  10. We have 15. This is what I wanted and planned for, in terms of recruitment. This doesn't mean that I don't want any more, far from it, but it means that we have something here. It reminds me now, finally, of NFL days gone past, which is kinda what I was going for. Everyone has 18 games now. Let's do it! I queenforked Koi! It was a hilariumgame.
  11. As people join, the effect of the bye will continue to move the standings around a bit. Don't worry, the quarter-point you get won't be locked in until after registration is over. The "current seeding" little number you see is gone until after registration is complete.
  12. I spent some time on the standings and I have to say it's looking pretty fucking awesome...I'll have divisional assignments for the five of us signed up by the end of the night.
  13. THE WRITAR'S STRIKE! It suspends us enuff already!
  14. I be thinking ahead!
  15. I did not decide on the playoff match formats because I'm not entirely sure what I want. Here are the options: Higher seed ALWAYS chooses color in Game 1, and the colors always switch. 1) First to lead wins (one game or more) 2) First to 1½ points + lead wins (two games or more) 3) High seed needs 1½ points to win, Low seed needs 2 points to win. (two or three games) Vote on 1, 2, or 3.
  16. OVERCLOCKED REMIX CHESS LEAGUE - JANUARY 2008 - Time to revitalize the monthly tournament! REGISTRATION Make a post in this thread, stating your AIM screen name, by Thursday, January 24th @ 11:59 pm EST. You will be added to one of the tournament's three divisions within 3 days of registration. You may play anyone in a scheduled game once you are added to a division. FORMAT The tournament consists of two phases, League and Bracket. During the League Phase, each player may play everyone in their division TWICE (as white AND black), and everyone outside of their division ONCE. The inter-divisional color scheme has a rock-paper-scissors relationship. Players in the ROCK DIVISION play as white against players in the SCISSORS DIVISION, who play as black. Players in the PAPER DIVISION play as white against players in the ROCK DIVISION, who play as black. Players in the SCISSORS DIVISION play as white against players in the PAPER DIVISION, who play as black. The League Phase will end on Thursday, January 31st @ 11:59 pm EST. At this time, the Bracket Phase will begin, with the THREE DIVISION CHAMPIONS and THREE WILD CARDS in a six-player bracket. The format follows pre-realignment NFL playoffs (1990-2001), so if you're looking for an example, that's it. The two highest-seeded division winners will get byes in the first round of the bracket. The lowest-seeded division winner and highest seeded wild card will get choice of color. GAMES Each game must be played on a mutually available and relatively stable chess server. Use clocks with a 10-minute initial time, 15-second increment, and report all results directly to the thread (with colors noted, please). http://games.yahoo.com http://www.googlegamecenter.com WIN = 1 point. DRAW = ½ point. LOSS = ¼ point. If you do not play a scheduled game, you will not get points. Players in a smaller division get a free ¼ point.Rankings criteria are as follows: 1) Most points. 2) Most wins. 3) Most draws. 4) Most losses. 5-7) Criteria 1-3 in games vs. the tied opponents. 8-11) Criteria 1-3 gauged against opponent strength. 12) Rock-Paper-Scissors (the game, not the divisions). OTHER Most of this stuff is pretty simple for the newcomers. If you have questions, send me an IM or post in this thread. I will post the standings near the end of the thread throughout the tournament, as usual. GLHF134340
  17. Higher seeds get to pick which color they want first, and colors alternate every game. Play two games. If it is tied 1-1, keep playing until someone wins. If damathacus wins two matches in a row, he is the champion. If someone else wins two matches in a row, they play damathacus in one match for victory. This is reward for damathacus winning so damn much.
  18. I somehow picked up a long fought K vs. K+N draw vs. John Derrilll...I think that might be the first time I've gotten a result against him. Game 2 gave me a material advantage but no way to really use it, and I fell quickly. Picked up a 0.5-1.5 result that I'm truly proud of
  19. Hey, just a reminder that tomorrow is the final day of the round robin phase, and the brackets will be a very simple 4-player setup. Would anyone be interested in a Go or Connect 6 tournament?
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