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Aurora Firestorm

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Posts posted by Aurora Firestorm

  1. Out of curiosity, and this may not be possible, but do any of the artists have sheet music for the two piano tracks? (Darkness Dueling and To Far Away Times) It would be pretty neat to be able to play some of that. I don't know how the remixing process works, if the artists know what the sheet music is like, that sort of thing. Just wondering if it's a possibility.

  2. Even though RoeTaka hasn't appeared in here yet, I'd still like to ask him why he decided to put in those interrupting, out-of-place drum riffs at about 3:18 and 3:50 of The Last Stand. He completely stops the music for a moment and disrupts the flow of everything twice, which doesn't match with an epic battle, to me. That was pretty much the biggest beef I had with the music, aside from The Third Guru as a track. I was expecting something more grandiose for a final battle as well, like huge epic fantasy orchestral stuff, so I kept waiting for the orchestra to really flare...but it never did. But that doesn't reall bug me as much as the random stops in the song.

    On to my randomness. Cheers to Rellik for the most awesome rendition of Undersea Palace ever. That chorus section at 2:03 just rocks my world. It's very appropriately eerie.

    A Parting of Ways was the most brilliantly original use of Magus' Theme...I didn't know it could be put into so many forms in a single song and still be awesome. Also kudos to the mysterious little section around 2:32. The little high-pitched trail-off into the violins has to be my favorite section of the song. It's the little things in life, I tell you.

    I still fail to see where Singing Mountain is in Revelation of Fire. And, Wings that Cross Time in The Third Guru. Slightly disappointed over the former.

    At first, Pixietricks' singing jumped out at me a lot, but then the song grew on me and took its spot as my favorite. I actually like how clear her singing is. And, I love the Japanese and English together -- I don't think it's pretentious at all, and it's a neat twist that I didn't expect.

    And speaking of Pixie's songs, I'm glad the orchestra backdrop didn't make it into To Far Away Times. It's better as it is now.

    Also, where did "The Epoch" and "Zeal Ice" go to? I know Magus' Redemption became A Parting of Ways, and I assume Darkened Skies became The Rising, but those two seemed to have disappeared, replaced by The Third Guru and Beneath the Surface. Were they just deleted? Zeal Ice, I was really looking forward to, and it's even a WIP on the old page. It had the Zeal Palace music (Zeal evil theme) on it, which I was really hoping would show up clearly on the album.

  3. I snagged the MP3's and I have the torrent downloading, just because.

    This is the coolest thing since...I don't know what. Magnificent. Worth the delays and so much more. Worth the over-a-year that it took. It's really cinema quality, amazingly impressive. It's hard to believe that a group of unpaid (for this project, at least) mixers and crew did all this. That's why it's so awesome.

    You guys deserve medals. And a vacation. A really long one, after dealing with all of us. Because you've earned that, at the very least. Geniuses, all of you.

    <3 Compy, Claado, StarZander, DJP, Eon, and all the other insanely awesome people that made this happen.

    Now I go to listen to the rest of it. :)

  4. I agree with Last Crusader, Zircon, and TheWanderer. Just get it out there; so many of us don't care if the website is sparkling. The point is the music, and we've been waiting for the music. Why not just release the finished music when it's done and then put the website in with the "special, highly slicked-up with new content"-edition package? Then, people who want all the extras will have a site o' awesomeness to boot, but people will still get the music. It's not like we won't go back to see the special edition, anyway. I will, at least, for sure. For the sake of having it out in 2005, which would be such a cool New Years gift...why not?

  5. Come on, man. We're gamers. Tolerating one release delay after another is what we do.

    So true, so true. Homeworld 2 had two years of delays. So I say, we'll stick it out :)

    Glad the site is up and ready for the future release. Can't wait to see it! I'm sure it will rock our worlds several times over ;)

    <3 Compy.

  6. Well, I'll amuse myself with music I got for Christmas while I wait. Maybe it'll be out when I'm back after vacation, which is around New Years, anyway.

    And then it'll be the reason why I'm not paying attention in school and knocking over people in the halls because I'm not watching where I'm going, only listening to my shiny new iPod...with Chrono Symphonic on it.

    Then again, no one guaranteed it would be New Years. I guess we're all just getting our hopes up again?

    Oh yeah -- <3 Compy :)

  7. By "Lucca's Theme," I meant the fanfare music. Well, it does come on just about every time Lucca does something. Pity that no one ever uses it. *shrug* It would be interesting to see someone do something with it.

    Nevertheless, I'm such as sucker for Magus' theme, so I'll take Lucca's Arrival anyway ;)

  8. Revelation of Fire or Lucca's Arrival. It's about time someone did something good with Lucca's theme. It's an under-appreciated piece of music.

    Also, even though it was previously released, I can't wait for the improved version of Confronting the Mystic. The melody was so buried in drums last time -- is it still drowned out like that? The melody was the best part of the original song...

  9. I am drowning in drool. The voices in Schala and the Queen! They make me melt with total happiness and awe and ALL THAT. I am dancing in my chair! I was hoping it would be even cooler than before. The way-back-when WIP was awesome, but this...WHOA.

    You all own the world. All you people that helped. :)

    Do the lyrics mean anything in another language?

    (And your accent is cool. You sound so much happier compared to you yelling at us to shut up about release dates ;))

  10. Status report: Work continues on mastering Chrono Symphonic. It will be released when it's ready.

    It'd be at least nice to know if Claado Shou's "giving thanks" idea is still in range and planned for. If it's out the window, I'll just sit around and wait; otherwise, that idea invites so much anticipation.

  11. Well, I saw the FreeWebs site that had the in-progress versions of about half the Symphonic songs. The site that was up before the current one, I mean. My hope is that with all the time that has been taken to improve and tweak and shiny up the songs, they'll be even better than I saw on the FreeWebs site. I know that the "To Far Away Times" demo has vocals, which is a drastic change from the old version on FreeWebs, but the "Inciting Incident" doesn't sound different to me, which worried me a little. Even if it sounds ten times better to a skilled remixer, if it doesn't sound different to Joe/Jane Average Music Listener after all this time, then I don't think it's achieved its goal. Unless the Incident demo isn't all remastered and shiny, which it may not be. Or, maybe it's just that I need to listen to the two side-by-side and really listen.

    What I want to hear? Epic movie-style music, which is what this is aiming for, and what I think I'll hear. I'm a little weary of the trance and jazz and such that is creeping into game remixes, so I'm glad to see that this music is going back to the orchestral epic stuff and making them movie-like, rather than modern-band-like (in terms of style, not instrumentation. Everyone loves a good electric guitar and synths and such when they fit.).

    I also hope to hear a version of Magus' Theme that manages to keep its melody intact and prominent enough to hear. Somehow so many remixes manage to shred or drown out that melody, even though I know there are some that don't. I'm hoping for Lucca's Theme in there somewhere, as well as Queen Zeal's creepy-mysterious theme, though I'm not sure if they'll be there.

    Despite all my wonderings and worries and hopes, I'm sure that whatever you guys give to us will rock the world several times over. It's hard to tell expectations; I feel like I'm criticizing you or something by telling you what I want, not what you guys have worked hard to create.

    ...So will it be out before December? Maybe?

  12. Speaking as a person who knows little about remixing, what exactly is "mastering"? From what I've read, it's making the songs sound more clean/professional/what have you, but what exactly is the process like? What programs do you use? That sort of thing. Isn't that what the songs are going through right now?

  13. Way over my expectations here! I was really expecting a sort of...plain tropical mix or else a weirdo mix of the Pirates' music from Zelda combined with the tropical Dragon Roost Isle. Instead, what I get is this awesome mix! It's amazing, far more than I expected! It's adventurous with great percussion and an addictive melody - great!

    Wow, this guy did the Artifact of Power movements? I should have expected more then ;)

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