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  1. Last time I posted was the June 05, but just found this mix today, and decided it was worth digging through my email for my password to post. I just loved this mix. The instrumental sounds good at first, but it just seems to be somewhat . . . lacking in depth. With the vocals, it just seems to be more complete. Every source I've heard of Pixie's vocals sound excellent, this one included. The male part had a few issues, but was still good quality compared to some of what I've heard online. As for the monotone segment, it shakes the piece up just as its begining to get too romancy and repetetive for my tastes. Overall, while none of the vocals could have truly stood as excellent on their own, placed together like this, they blend well enough and can really get the emotion across. I'd give it a 9/10. Can't wait to start searching through these fives other contributions for stuff to save.
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