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  1. I don't know if this counts, but I've been playing Tales of Symphonia. Which i think is a wonderfull game!! BUT!!! here i am ready to fight the final boss, but before i want to finish off the side quests, i have 3 left. One consist of fighting Abyson (spelling?) related to the Devil's arms. I'm at level 75 and he has 120,000 HP he freakingly can KIll me in one farking shot!!! so i go try if i can level up with another side quest.. The UnderWorld. I end up going into this strange book that has tougher enemies, which would be a great place to level up.. only thing is you CAN'T leave until you beat the boss, you are timed and you don't have save points!! after spending 2h doing the first 10 levels...i meet this boss... when i finaly beat him.. (a good 30 mins. later...) i thought it was the boss... but no!!! it's a mid boss and i didn't have anymore and i was game over... so basically i lost 2 1/2 hours and 4 levels By then i gave up on the third side quest... and tried to fight the final Boss.... surprisingly too easy!! It's a good ending but those unrealisticaly hard side quests put a down to it i find... especially that there wasn't a good efficiant place to level up...
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