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Posts posted by Jasoco

  1. I love this remix so much. The only part I don't like as much is the clicking in the middle. It sounds EXACTLY like a Hard Drive dying. And since I have about half a dozen HD's connected to a server that I am constantly keeping up with it made me think one of them was dying the first time I heard it. And in my time with computers I've heard that sound many times. I didn't know what it was at first until it stopped and I replayed part of the remix.

    Needless to say I was relieved it was the music and not my HD's.

    Doesn't make the remix any less awesome.

  2. I swear I replied in here. Guess not.This song actually convinced me to buy the game about two years ago. I am deeply grateful as this game is perfect. Beautiful looking, awesome story, kick-ass main character. Shame we may never see the two sequels they originally planned to make.

    This game needs more remixes. Only one is not enough. Frame of Mind is a moving piece.

  3. I am a DOOM fan. I love DOOM. I have loved DOOM since I first played the Shareware demo. I have bought every kind of PC DOOM released. I own every Console port except GBA DOOM II and 3DO DOOM. I love DOOM. I love its music, I love its feel. I would play a game of DOOM before considering a game of Quake or Duke 3D. I love DOOM!

    That said, I have not heard a DOOM song or remix I did not like. I have downloaded every DOOM song and remix I can find. This is one of my favorites. Right up there with the id-licensed "remakes" from the "DOOM Special CD's".

  4. I also own Final DOOM. This is a great piece. FD had some of the best levels ever designed on the DOOM Engine. I was truly impressed with what they pulled off when I got it. Invisible bridges, see-through doors. Bulletproof windows. Okay, those are all the same trick, but it was amazing how they used a Bug in the engine to pull off some amazing stuff.

    Plus the detail in the levels was levels higher than what was in the original two.

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