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Posts posted by HumpteeFree

  1. Well I know Vig's an established remixer and this tune is old, but I just have to say, it's my favorite of his. Although the sound quality isn't tops, the weaker samples make the guitar sound so hot in contrast that the overrall side-effect is dramatic. It actually ends up as a good thing. I don't know how it would have sounded with better samples, but probably less naked. And naked can be good. To me this sounds like the mix that got the most heart poured into.

  2. Like other intricate remixes, this one takes a couple of listens and isn't as accessible,which must explain the small number of reviews. When it kicks in though, it's great, and original. The guitar solo,the tune highlight, is a badass motherfucker. Makes you want to steal a guitar and play it.

    Ps: The guitar is mean. And Evil. Man

  3. This remix sounds intelligent, I like what DJP did with the flute, it's as if it was taunting you.The soloin' break from the melody is very cool, and I don't find the song repetitive at all due to the attention to the little details. It does take a couple of listens before even liking it, but I prefer this one to Mcvaffes's.

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