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Posts posted by tefnek

  1. Thanks for the responses. After listening to something for so long it's hard to tell these things.

    Just a thought - if you make the octave leaps occur when the melody leaps significantly in the opposite direction (the melody leaps down, the octave switch goes up) it would be easier on the listener.

    I'm gonna mess with it some more and I'll keep this in mind. If I can't come up with anything the rest of the song should be close enough to the source to be recognizable :)

  2. I finally got around to finishing and uploading a new song. I guess you could call it drum and bass, similar to my Final Fantasy 7 remix. Anyways, check it out and let me know what you think!


    Also, there's a contest at fuzz.com to remix a song from The Crystal Method's upcoming album. If anyone is interested, my entry is somewhere around page 4:


    Edit: Here's a link to that contest page http://www.fuzz.com/contest/remixingprotools/. The deadline is September 30th.

  3. This is stickied on the FL Studio forums


    We're going to release FL Studio 6 about mid December.

    This involves a couple of procedures :

    Getting the installer published & mirrored on Tucows

    Mailing out the newsletter about it and new regcodes

    Although we're moving the new site to our US server, which

    was upgraded to 100Mbit, ... there are a couple of ways to

    avoid the server stress involved with a new release. :

    Check out Tucows yourself here (starting about half december).

    You can already get your FL6 regcode by clicking here now.

    If you want to check out what's new just take a look

    at the new helpfile and/or the new video tutorials.

    DON'T mail/post asking about the release as flooding

    the (email)servers will only delay the release even more.

    See ya,

    The FL Team

  4. If you want to copy a channel over why not just save the piano roll and the presets for the generator (or sample).

    Or you can export everything from the project at once.

    Go to Export > Project Bones. It saves all the sampler channels, mixer channels, VSTi channels, piano roll scores, etc. Unfortunately it doesn't save any data in the step sequencer. Once it's done exporting you can browse through all the parts under the browser > Project Bones > whatever you saved as.

  5. thanks guys for the comments.

    zircon, i dont know if you mean premade loops when you say loops, but i programmed the drums in both songs using one-shot samples (and totally different samples as well). i did however use a similar technique to process my drums. so i hope the similarity you see is just my style :)

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