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Posts posted by SetzerGabbiani

  1. I can't tell if you're intentionally referring to it or not, but either way, here you go.

    I Didn't know that existed, so thank you for that link. To clarify though, what I was suggesting was that we make an official thread here as well, and that the willing members of OCR get together and do something similar to EB Seige, maybe go a little bit farther and send them remixes or things like that since we're all so wonderfully creative =P. Better yet, members who are going to or live near events going on like E3 and protest in front of their booth until we're escorted out...think of the publicity! (see? I'm creative) XD

    But back to the topic at hand, I also agree (I cant find the quote right now) that people who just put down games for an illogical reason are exponentially stupid. I have several friends like that who go and find any little reason to put down a game when someone says they're buying it. It's their fucking money, let em go out and spend however the hell they please. If you don't like it stfu cause for fuck sakes nobody cares to hear you bitch and moan about what somebody is doing with THEIR life!

    I won't tell them that cause I don't want to hear them bitch and moan about how the truth hurts and now I'm not a good friend cause I didn't sugarcoat the truth and be all buddy buddy and just listen to them sound like idiots and spew nonsense....

    Did you like hearing me rant about what irritates me? Probably Not, which is exactly my point.

    Okay End Rant.

  2. lack of appreciation for true beauty like the mother series

    thats what is screwin gaming

    no instead lets focus on a mediocre series like final fantasy and make omg popular with its horribly boring stories when compared to shit that is just deep as hell like mother

    Well, Mother was never imported after Mother 2 (Earthbound) because EB came in when RPG's were not that popular and games like Chrono Trigger made it look outdated. So Ninty was like "We aint riskin our monies on a coin toss of a game". Yet, they still acknowledge its popularity stateside 10+ years after its release, wtf?!.....

    Why Nintendo did not import Mother 3, yet added in Lucas in Brawl stateside (pissing off all Mother fans, myself included, to no end) is beyond me

    I say we begin a thread were we all send a letter to Reggie Fils-Aime over at Ninty each and every month (or week) until they announce it's localization!


    Money talks, crappy games win. Let it be and smile at the fact that you're not wasting money on garbage. Or actually educate the masses somehow. Either way if you're not part of the solution, yousa part of the problem :D

    "The More You Know...." *

  3. With their recent trend, I hope they don't touch FF6 :sad: .

    Definitely QFT...they ended it in such a nice way imo and I hope they don't do something like ONOES TEH ESPAR GATEZ HAV OPENED AGAIN OMG HAX!!!!!11!1

    But FF4 on the other hand had left so many questions for me, I *kind* of want to see what they do with it, but with their track record, well....you know....yeah...

    But, they wrapped FFIV up so nicely, how could they make a sequel?

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they *SPOILERS?* bring back Palom and Porim from petrification in the GBA version?

    It was also mentioned that in the SNES version you can do it too. I remember trying for ages thinking of a way to un-petrify them...I must GameFAQs this....

  4. Sorry guys, I've recieved a personal email from Sakurai himself telling me not to make any more predictions. Ruins the surprise.

    I will say this about final smashes though. The Pit idea above is probably right, Wario's will probably be Warioware based and Zelda may use some powerful magic spell. That is all.

    I apologize, but I dont want to dig to figure out why he would tell you to stop making predicitions...Out of curiousity, may I ask why? and If I am not too late I saw on IGN Today (it was posted today) That the Smash Bros Controls Are Revealed...Heres the link:


  5. Sorry for reviving this thread, but i found something you guys might enjoy...IF it's real, and not a hoax. Something i found on the Gametrailers forums:

    "An official of the Florida Bar proposed late last week that controversial Miami attorney Jack Thompson submit to psychological testing and accept a 91-day suspension of his law license, according to an e-mail GamePolitics received from Thompson himself.

    The claim has not been verified by the Florida Bar, which did not respond to our request for comment.

    As GP has previously reported, Thompson is currently embroiled in a pair of federal lawsuits against the Bar.

    The Bar has moved to hold a disciplinary hearing against Thompson based on several complaints about the anti-game attorney’s professional conduct, including video game cases involving Grand Theft Auto and Bully. A scheduled June 25th hearing was postponed."

    The poster claims this information comes from ign.com, but i haven't been able to find it there...

    Yeah I saw it on G4's Attack of the Show a while back...I was gonna post about it but, meh...

  6. And now all this news regarding how the whole affair is a case of double murder suicide (from WWE website) is quite disturbing and confusing. Most of the wrestlers did mention how Benoit was such a private man. I really hope it's not true that Benoit murdered his wife and seven year old son.

    Dunno... didn't he excuse himself from the PPV event he was scheduled to show up in due to "personal reasons"?... Sounds fishy, but in any case no person deserves to go that young, except for those who truly deserve it (rapists, murderers, etc.) If anything if it was allegedly a suicide his wife and definitely his son didnt deserve to die, im sure thats not in question here. Anyways, im definitely sad to see all the wrestlers I grew up with pass away in such tragic ways =(

  7. Saturday July 21st. That is the most convenient date, the oinly other one that would work is the following saturday.

    NOOOOOOOOO! Damn I wanna show up but my friends 21rst is on that day and we'll be in Vegas ><

    Yeah I know most people don't know or don't care who I am, but it woulda been cool gettin to know the community I've been lurking around in for so many years, lol...

    Well, in the small possibility that the Vegas thing falls through, ill definitely show up!

  8. Wrong. Check the post above yours. Sony and Nintendo are refusing to publish the game so long as it remains rated AO, and an appeal would be unlikely to faze the ESRB, so Rockstar will either have to change the game or can it. There's no way it'll be able to keep its original release date (July 10).

    Ah, i see. Thanks for the correcton; I was too lazy to check for the intended release date =D

  9. Wait... this game hasn't even been released and its banned? Or has it been released and I have no knowledge of this?

    If it hasn't bee released, I'm impressed. His evil is so vast, that he can block games that haven't even been on the shelf. Bravo.

    Hasn't been released yet DL. It'll be out sometime in the beginning of July if im not mistaken.

    But damn, the majority of the old people generation is getting on my nerves.. so f***ing out of touch with video games ><

  10. It looks more like a FE stage than a KI stage, IMO


    Just a thought, but wouldnt it be cool if Samus could transform into Dark Samus (MP2 and/or MP3) and use her Phazon abilities when using her Smash Attack?

    This version of Samus is supposed to be more from The Metroid Prime series than the old series, so the Smash Attack could be Prime related.

    Technically, I dont think Samus could go Dark as of MP/MP2, since Dark Samus is just Metroid Prime re-incarnate(or whatever term you want to use), correct me if I'm wrong, please.

    And I agree with the Final Smash being Prime Related, if not SM related with the hyper beam, which it very well should be, but the annihilator beam would be my second choice imo...

  11. The goggles do nothing!

    Holy Simpsons reference Radioactive Man!

    Anyways I like the brighter colors in SC 2... I hated turning up the Gamma in the first one to bring my game out of the deep, cold, darkness =(

  12. But that would violate RPG rules. 34 year olds are only available as supporting characters. The lead always needs to be a teenager or very early 20's

    I lol'd....

    Anyways FFXII was the Final Fantasy that restored my hope in the franchise, with VI being the last great FF before Square got caught up in the FMVs of FFVII, (don't get me wrong, I love VII, but some points of the game had me so bored...) never played VIII or XI, heard they were "okay" though. The linear gameplay of X, any real FF fan wouldn't count FFX-2 if their life depended on it, and XI feels like work to me(thank jeebus for WoW =D). FFXII was a breath of fresh air in the series. With the new real-time fighting and he story of politics, redemption, and all the other goodness in the game, I couldn't put it down till it was finished...the characters were developed and had me feel I was right there with them tryin to figure out what the hell was going on. I can't wait for E3 to see what XIII has in store =)

    My main party was Vaan, Basch, and Fran. With the other 3 just there to Revive my main party when they died =D (don't have time to level up everybody like i used to, hence I couldnt do too many sidequests lol)

    and that's my two cents...

  13. I am disturbed as to where this conversation is going. I am reporting you all as I type this message.

    But in all seriousness, you can't write papers, create maps, or even express yourself through music (Rap, anyone?) without being labled "this" or "that" anymore. Just puttin my 2 cents in.

    Anyways, I gotta go take a s**t, and im gonna use the Bill of Rights as TP, cause that's about all it's worth right now. This world is going to get real "V for Vendetta-ish" soon. Get your masks ready =/

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