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Everything posted by Chemynova

  1. Woot finaly finished. Im waiting for this project for 1.5 years now. Im halfway through the songs and most of the songs are incredible. Good job all
  2. Woot finaly finished. Im waiting for this project for 1.5 years now. Im halfway through the songs and most of the songs are incredible. Good job all
  3. Yeah realy good. This is one of my favorit gamesongs. I remember that i just watched the level ending screen for 10 min just to hear that songt
  4. Yeah realy good. This is one of my favorit gamesongs. I remember that i just watched the level ending screen for 10 min just to hear that songt
  5. dont realy agree with the rest of you. I realy like it. Its fun; I like the synths and the bases. Its one of the best things i heard recently of OC remix.
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