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Everything posted by windexwindex

  1. Playlist setup: I deal with the playlist same way as you, usually making downward stairways for loops, but FL 4 lets you color different patterns or pattern groups using the 'select' tool in the playlist then Playlist options/Patterns/Color selected. That helps a lot To separate these sections I use different colored blank lines filled with empty patterns, as to make a long colored boundary that spans the length of the song rather than just an empty space (usin the brush, the pencil takes forever). step sequencer: Thinking about your step sequencer problems, you can automate the mute buttons of the instruments, maybe turning off unused instruments per section of the song helps? you can do it by setting up a group of separate patterns to become on/off switches. You can check beforehand to see if that saves CPU by turning off instruments yourself. Still, I think having clones is the way to go, although you can also set up patterns as switches that change the parameters of your instrument, maybe that way you can reduce the size? recording automation: oh and there Is a way of checking what patterns have automation recorded: go to 'edit events' for whatever parameter is dancing by itself, then scroll through the patterns pressing the + or the - sign. Maybe you automate by using the record button and start tweaking. you can do this manually, if you didn't know, by selecting a pattern that will hold the automation, then right clicking on the instrument's volume/cut/arpp/porta/mute/whatever button (most functions, even main pitch and main vol, can be automated) and select 'edit events' Hope this long post answers your long post!!
  2. my bad yeah it's just the loop without the samples so that it's smaller sized, I just cleaned the loop so that it works as much as possible with default FL studio samples anyone else got .flp loops?
  3. i'm lookin for loops to download but this 90 page post is impossible to search!! anyway i'm posting a .flp here if anyone wants to check it out or use it to learn stuff (or to teach me stuff ): http://www.geocities.com/windexwindex/metroid.html
  4. Jonodude: check the WAV before converting it to mp3, sometimes the 3xOsc sounds bad when it is exported. Play with the export settings to see if it helps. sometimes screwy things happen with the 3xosc and the ts404, specially if you layer up various patterns using the same instrument at the same time, for that you should use different colored bars in the piano roll for example
  5. there should be more hip-hop remixes but really. I mean really c'mon.. what's with the lyrics? not that it's bad cuz they say nigga i mean. nigga. i said it. again: nigga. wee. it's just that the song doesn't really justify the use of the word. it sounds like they went "hey let's make hip-hop outta this. yeah let's add a 'nigga' joke in there for kicks" makes it seem racist, just sounds silly needs equalizing too. the voices need compression. urgently. even snoop dogg, who raps like he was whisperin' sounds louder than this. the beat also swallows out the lyrics, yet doesn't sound loud enough at the same time. the bass doesn't have that rigged-up-impala-with-27-inch-rimz feel to it either. I wouldn't really have approved this, considering the potential it has with some slightly different equalization. just my 50 cents. nigga
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