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Everything posted by jeremysoule

  1. Dear Overclocked Remixers, I decided to create a "remix" for two reasons. First, I love Nobuo Uematsu. He was the whole reason I became a composer at Squaresoft many years ago. Secondly, I want to show my support for all of the great work that you, the remixers, are doing here and that your work and your enthusiasm is appreciated by many of us in the industry. We all strive to be our best and often, music can be a struggle. However, the love of music is why we are all here. On a technical note, my remix was done with both commercially available libraries (Gigastrings.com) and also proprietary sounds that we have made over the years here at Artistry. The brass, winds and percussion were all part of the Artistry library. The verb was a Lexicon 960L and everything was mixed in Logic. Gigastudio is my tool of choice and the work was sequenced in Logic Platinum on a G5. For expression, I used something called a Kurzweil Expressionmate for ribbon control--this thing is great, it looks like a sword but offers a large work area for control. Orchestral music requires a ton of controller data information. I wish everyone the very best! Keep up the remarkable work. Sincerely, Jeremy Soule Proud recipient of the 2004 British Academy award (BAFTA) for "Best Score--Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" and "Best Score" from Gamespy for "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic"
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