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Everything posted by wlfpck

  1. Well this is the first remix I have ever done. My only tools were FL studio and my laptop. Didn't use anything else. I know it's probably gonna be really bad. I'm still learning. Any suggestions and tips would be greatly appreciated. Is anyone looking to take on a student? ha ha but anyways. here it is. http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/24/1205802/FF3%28japan%29%20boss.mp3 oh yeah. one more question. where do you guys upload your music to? I had to sign up for this lame fileden thing.
  2. I can always do the right click but the plugins don't show up in the browser thingy on the left side of the screen.
  3. how do i set the folder... when i copy the piano vst into the FL studio folder I can access them by using the right click. However I can't find them in the menu to on the left side of the screen
  4. ok...this might seem like the most retarded question ever... but how do i refresh the plugin list?
  5. I was looking for a piano vst plugin ( i think that's what it is.) I downloaded one by 4f. I copied the DLL into the plugin folder and I can't get it to show up in FL studio. I have FL studio XXL 6.
  6. both are free to use forever. They do have limitations though for the demos. I just picked up FL studio 6 and i'm starting to get the hang of creating the song itself. As for making the actual song...I wish there were sheet music or something.
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