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Posts posted by phantomINTELLECT

  1. I would just like the thank all the artists who put together the DKC concert. All the songs are really good and well produced. I like how there is variety and how you never get bored with any part of the album. I would just like to inquire though, are there any plans to this this sort of thing with DKC2? I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but I really think DKC2 has the best music out of the three games. Don't get me wrong, I am not be-littling this collab at all. I love all the tracks off of this one. I think it has opened out all sorts of doors and maybe even Nintendo will take notice of your efforts. I truly do think what has been done is a landmark and I hope many people discover this collection of music and realize video game music is truly good and not just something for the background.

  2. Very professional sounding piece. Strings and percussion are right on, particularly the pizzicato strings that drive the song along. Though the fade out was kind of anti-climatic. I suppose the idea behind that was to keep the piece, which ehibits nothing particularly explosive (which isn't a bad thing with this type of song), from becoming unbalanced.

    Good stuff. Good stuff.

    Yep, it gets a super special extra good stuff.

    Well Put! My words exactly

  3. Reminds me of an upbeat version of Space Lion (SB) from Cowboy Bebop (Jupiter Jazz) - which brought back some great memories for me heh. Thanks for the wonderful remix.


    Yes! I was actually going for a Cowboy Bebop vibe, which was the main reason I used the saxophone.

    That's right...the sax had a purpose.

    Cowboy Bebop is the best Anime Ever (and some good shit)

  4. I'm sorry, but I just won't accept this as a song. My opinion doesn't really matter though since I don't like this genre of music. Also, by genre, I mean GAY. HAHAHA, I'm just kidding. 10/10 for creativity, but I just don't enjoy it. Again, though I don't like the genre. So, why am I even posting this message. Whatever, I gotta go.

  5. This has got to be one of the worst remixes ever. I don't mean to be overly critical, but this mix does no justice to the original. In fact, it only uses like one riff over and over again. He forgot the best part of the song when it switches gears and it goes to that part with metal sounds. To those who actually appreciate the original you know what part I'm referring to. Also, there is absolutely no substance to this song. It's just you average run of the mill rave song. If you are braindead then I could see you liking this song, but if your like me and listen to Aphex Twin or Meat Beat Manifesto, then you would really be excepting something more. Now I'm not saying that Beatdrop needs to become a pro, but anyone can pull one riff out of a song and add cheap thumping. This song probably took 10 minutes to make. Sorry, but to all those that gave this song 5/5 you need to go hang yourself.

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