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Everything posted by foxstomp

  1. There is no chance of it happening, but I would get a huge kick out of getting to play Tenacious D's Beezleboss. Especially in multiplayer if one player could be the devil, and the other the band. I would die a happy man.
  2. I've been visiting OCR since it was orange, though lurking the forums for far less long. Poking my head into unmod for some quick laughs, and even the occassional interesting thread was one of the few reasons I check out OCR anymore. I was really shocked (but, honestly, not too surprised) to log in the other day, and find it gone. At any rate, I doubt it means much, but I'm sorry you guys lost your forum. At least you made one random lurker laugh, I guess.
  3. Wow. ifirit, I apologize -- you put me right in my place. That link is AMAZING! Though, a little disappointing too, especially when it came to SH3. I interpreted a lot of the monster designs as having strong sexual undertones, and that's part of the reason that game was so creepy to me. Thanks for being so civil, and pointing me towards the light. And thanks again for the compliment on my art. I really appreciate it.
  4. First of all, thanks for actually taking the time to look at the picture, and respond. I really appreciate it. I do apologize if drawing PH, or RPT is overdone -- I've never seen it done, but then again, I'm not at all involved in fan communities, nor have I looked around. While I respect your opinion, and understand your frustration with seeing the same thing over and over again, I think you're kind of forgetting that what makes the Silent Hill games so powerful for people is just how subjective they are. I don't know if you can really call anyone's interpretation of the monster as misinterpreted, because its purpose or reason is never explained. I think what makes Pyramid Head, or The Red Pyramid Thing, so scary is that its up to you what to make of it. While it might be a representation of James' suicidal tendencies to some, someone else might make it out to be a representation of James' conflicted emotions toward women -- or maybe, as just as an independent creature bent on destroying James. Even if the creators issued an official statement saying "The pyramid monster represents..." the game is setup in such a way that people would still get whatever they want out of it. But anyway, thanks again for the comments. I don't have any hard feelings or anything, but I don't think its necessarily fair to dismiss others' interpretations as misguided.
  5. I'm pretty sure nobody really cares, but since the discussion has sort of turned to silent hill fanart, I figured I'd post this link of a goofy doodle I did today. http://www.deviantart.com/view/16468020/ It's shameless self promotion, but oh well. Drop me a comment if you can.
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