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Posts posted by Skilless

  1. Going from a Priest main to a War alt is pretty sweet. I get to see the opposite side of the spectrum. Currently at a /played of 41 days on my Priest, its hard to un-attach myself from him though. So much work went into him that restarting with another guy seems like a HUGE task. Anyone got some tips to help kick up some motivation for my next 33 lvls?

  2. This is one of the better videogame to movie makes ive seen. The acting was really bad in my opinion however the sound was awesome. Silent Hill is know for its good sound effect and that was prominent in the movie for me. I never played the 1st Silent Hill but i know alot of the stuff from the second game was in the movie seeing that the 1st and 2nd games are based out of Silent Hill. Even the gap between the buildings at the hotel was there. I was sort of confused at the end but after reading some of your posts it all makes sence now and I kind of feel dumb for not realizing what was happening. Id like to see them make another.

    On a side note - I watched this movie with the WORST audience ever! fist of all there was a lady who brought her 6 year old to the movie. Not only was it a midnight showing but Silent Hill is know for its creepy images. Its beyond me as to why she brought her kid. Needless to say the kid cryed through most of the movie until everyone in the theatre told her to take her kid out. Then there was the guy who had to yell out 'LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU' or 'YOU SHOULD HAVE CLOSED THE DOOR' the whole entire movie. Im a passive person but I wanted to blind side this guy with my fist after hearing a hour and a half of his fucking commentary.

  3. I, being a priest, can rarly beat a rogue (a fairly decked one) if they get the jump on me with repetative stun locks to keep me locked down enough that I can not cast. However; if the rogue doesnt kill me when he has used all of his points / fails to stun lock then I will just dot and fear then mind flay his ass down with my shield and VE up. It's all based on the circumstance. I just respec'd Disc / Holy soo im really weak because i don't have that much +dmg gear. Id like to one day be this guy - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6737260276585568647&q=p

    BTW, I got Shard of The Scale last night, OMFG woot.

  4. An hour an a half I spent organising a PUG for Zul Gurub.

    Before you say it - stfu and listen.

    Logically, it should work - everyone is lv60, and is bound to have enough decent blues to be able to compete, logically anyway. Our MT's were kitted out in full Wrath, but we STILL couldn't beat that priest with the secondary boss and the two elite tigers guarding them.

    What the fuck gives? LOGICALLY it should work, right? What makes a guild raid so much more efficient? Purely the fact that everyone listens to the leader? What else could there be?

    The raid fell apart after two wipes. Wankers.

    Lol at that waste of time. PUG groups cant work together as say, a guild with vent. Also, playing together alot helps you learn eachothers play stile thus helping you even more in conquoring the bosses.

    On a side note - My guild went to MC the other day. We killed Luci, then Mag (which we have done before) then we tried Gehennas for the first time, wiped then killed him on the second try. We went to Garr and wiped agian, then killed him on the second wipe. Gehennas and Garr were both 1st time every tries for everyone and we were able to kill them. That made me pretty happy. I know a few guilds who took forever to kill Garr and we killed him 2nd try.

    On another side note - Our Main Tank uses Bloodcaller LOL

  5. Next person who asks me to make them water is gonna get sucker punched in the throat. (priest)

    priests/druids: heal. repeat unto infinity.

    You forgot to add the part where the people repeatedly yell 'heal!' over and over while you are in mid-cast of a heal on that player and when someone dies you get bitched at non-stop for the rest of the time in that party. Other than that you've got priests down.

  6. Everytime I cast Inner Fire on my priest and I see that it has a buff time of 3 mins my eyes bleed.

    I dont think priests need any work, we are very powerful as is when you are specced shadow. We melt faces in PVP. Its like Raiders of the Lost Arc.

  7. The pally armor set screams Judge Dredd. So bad ass looking.

    Too bad I'm horde. The Priest armor set better be cool looking too and not girly pink and purple kind of cloth crap we get stuck with (not including prophecy set cause that is BA too)

  8. I love my rogue but I've been playing priest, and I've got to say, he is awesome too.

    With my rogue, I like stalking people and the DPS is phenomenal; however, I am a big fan of instances and rogues are well, you know the rest...

    With my Priest, I like having the feeling of the parties life in my hands (I'll have to talk to a shrink about that.) and hes pretty strong too. Also highly wanted for end game instances. The down side of this class is getting bitched at by idiots when you go to heal them and they run behind a wall and you lose line of sight but they feel its your fault. That's when i decided to rez then neglect them. (no heals for thier punk ass)

    Anyway, I guess theres a time and place for each class. They need to incorporate something that makes rogues mor wanted for endgame but eh, i got my priest to play for now.

  9. I don't even have a paladin, and I don't even remember what I wrote since that was like weeks ago. None of it was baseless, though. I remember saying the talent trees are misguided at best, and I remember saying Blizzard gave paladins false hopes about their class. Those are both true. Shut up, Russell Cox.

    Cry more, please little child. If you don't play a class, shut the hell up about it. The only people that bitch about Paladin are the ones that aren't good at the job anyway. If you want to see a job that still need a role defined, look at Warlock. You came on her ranting raving about Paladins when you stated you HADN'T played them; GG moron.

    Sorry, last I checked you don't rule my life, so I won't be shutting up little lassie.

    Locks do need to be fixed~

    On a side note. Priest is pretty bitchin'.

  10. We should skip boss and go right to game.

    Gradius V

    I beat it with 12 credits used on very easy. The game is a beast I tell you!

    Rockcrusher (level 5 boss)

    Evil on Hard :twisted:

    The asteroid level right? If its the boss that catches all the rocks, then yea youre right, hes tough. Sometimes im able to get into the area where the switch is and the rocks prevent him from shooting the "diamonds" at me. If someone beats that game on very difficult and makes a vid of it, then they are god in my eyes.

    The game might be harder for me because im playing with my friend and with 2 spaceships at a time is hard to keep track of stuff. I haven't been able to sit down with the game and play it because my ps2 has the disc read error problem and I have yet to fix it, so I can only play it at his house. Im a really big fan of the game (as well as series) so I suggest this game to all of you who like fast pace 2-d space ship games (also have a ps2 without the disc read error problem)

    While on the subject, does anyone have the plans on how to fix my problem with the blue bottom discs. Please link the site if you do.

  11. If it can be a series of bosses that lead up to and include the final boss fight without being able to go back and buy potions and what not then I would have to say Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. That game is a beast. Its the hardest game I've played and beat ever.

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