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Everything posted by Greenspectre

  1. It's been a LONG time since I found a song at OCR that I liked enough to download (though way back, I DID download a few hundred or so- just not liking much of the newer stuff) But I gotta say that as usual, Sir Nuts kicked my ass (or my nuts rather) so I gave this a listen and now it's sucking up another few megs of hard drive space Thanks very much for the awesome listening experience Nuts *PS- Looking forward to your Introduction to Heaven makeover! I already have that song on a CD*
  2. Its a mix of the final boss theme if my memory serves right.
  3. I also snagged this off of the WIP boards, and to the guy who said it hadn't been touched up, there's a little add-in at 1:06 right after the Come Ons that keeps the mix punching in a part that used to be a break in the real energy of it. IMO the whole thing sounds Daft-Punkish (Thinkin HBFS) I love this whole song, its all far from boring glad to see that it made it up here...especially cuz i lost the original track lol.
  4. As one who was NOT a fan of your WIP that stayed on the forums for a while, I have to say that though still close to the original, you definitely put enough work into it to make it unique. Good job, I like it!
  5. Okay, maybe I'm retarded, or maybe nobody else sees my point, but here it goes. SGX, I commend you for opening the DDR floodgates. I have been waiting a while for somebody to remix a DDR song, and here it is. Sadly, I'm dismayed by this mix. B4U is a "get up and dance" type song. It moves you. Even more so for the B4 Za Beat Mix. It's supposed to be fast and filled with energy! This mix needs tempo, I just can't enjoy that song unless it goes so fast. Congratulations on being the first DDR mixer on OCR, but I just can't enjoy slow music Am I the only one?
  6. Dang that name! I clicked on this just for the heck of it, and I couldn't even remember any Gannon music, and then he goes and says its a song of time/Zelda's lullaby mix. I also agree it does sound like love hurts at the beginning. Just wanna say I like this one a lot, go DJP!
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