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Everything posted by StarSoldier

  1. Wasn't this song released earlier? It's slightly confusing as a frequent downloader to come across a new one and find out it's already in the huge file o' OCR.
  2. Yeah, Zue is approximately Africa. That's where you land when the seagulls take you there. Terranigma is a great game, but it's one of those that after you beat it, you really don't feel like playing it again because of all the puzzles in the game. Very enjoyable, though. And, of course, the music is great. Probably playing with the themes of the characters, such as Perel, Royd, and Fyda would be fun, some medley of those guys. They could be considered apostles or saints of the god (if you remember Yumi's statement at the end) and deserve some credit of their own.
  3. I wish there were more Terranigma remixes. It was a great game, albeit kinda ignored. I love Ziwtra's material. I have to agree with Shnabubula. This particular remix, you don't really capture the feeling of Zue. It's so hidden and the allure of the original musical piece were the drums, that crazy rhythm. They added to the mood. While this piece is wonderful on its own, it's just not the Zue you encounter in the game. Perhaps you could do another mix of this like you did for Blue and really funkify it using the crazy time signature? ^^
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