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Posts posted by Vilecat

  1. I won't repeat what Rama said; I agree for the most part.

    As for the WoW forums, there'll always be jerks and elitists (and elitist jerks). Some of the boards in their official forum contain more than others (ex.: DPS is a whinefest compared to Tanking) and you're certain to run into trolls anywhere. The bigger and older the game, the more of those people you have a chance to meet. But at least you'll find the answers you're looking for faster.

    It doesn't have to be a MMO forum though, any forum has their trolls and dickheads.

  2. Silencer seems like a no-brainer with the current state of the metagame right now. For example, we were playing against a fairly decent team in the game I mentioned in my previous post, yet because of our massive AOE barrage we completely dominated teamfights. Silencer just needs to hit that global silence as soon as he sees Behe or Tempest try to initiate, no?
    That is, if his Dota abilities don't change at all.

    I'm curious about Silencer too. Like many of you already know, I tend to prefer assist/support heroes to gankers, although I don't hate toying around with some of the carries.

  3. Predator is indeed very awesome. I love using him, even if he's got no aoe. With his ult and a lifesteal item he can take on almost everyone. Gotta agree that he'll feel truly useless if he's underfarmed.

    I've enjoyed Demented Shaman and Voodoo Jester a lot during the last weekend. They never feel utterly useless at any point in the game, compared to some heroes.

  4. Well, now that people are seeing pedophiles in their sleep, I just say exercise caution or don't do it all. I tried celebrating Halloween last year and all I got were very discriminating looks - I wasn't even dressed up or trick or treating or anything.

    Best part was when I got thrown out of the Community Center Halloween Party because I didn't have a kid with me. Never said anything on the flyers that single people were not welcome to come, but the fucking guy grabbed me by the collar and forced me out anyway. Come Monday, I had some words with him and the manager. He called me a pedophile right to my face. I tried to explain that I was an autistic adult and I just liked Halloween, he thought that was an excuse to be hanging around children like a creepy-ass.

    It was so surreal. I was mortified and for a while I didn't believe this was really happening until they revoked my membership ($120 down the drain) and had security lead me out again.

    A month later they had the balls to call me up and ask for donations.

    Moral of the Story: Don't ever celebrate Halloween. :P

    Wow, talk about terribad people. Shouldn't stop anyone from celebrating though. I wish you could call the cops on those people or something for discrimination on their part.

  5. As far as the IRC viewing session, I haven't touched mIRC since I installed it, so I wouldn't really know what to do with that.

    Um, thoughts?

    Create a #ocrfac channel?

    And yes I heard recently about the 24h comic day, found the concept interesting. While 1h might discourage a lot of people (not counting all the scanner problems and such) I think 1 day would make things very interesting. Or at least start with the 1 week thing.

  6. I think the "stop playing" comment is just rude and uncalled for. Inhouse are great for me, since I learn far more about each hero and how to play what I pick better than if I constantly pugged. Also, friendly inhouse > pug when it comes to having a good time. Nerdraging during inhouse games is silly.

  7. So I've been playing in private practice games to try out a bunch of heroes on both sides. I barely tried around 5 on each sides, but I'm doing good with using skills and such. I'm still having terribad problems for shops, items and their usage though...

  8. To be honest, it plays more like a combination of tower defense, team-based FPS games, and WoW PVP. It's not that much like D2 in my opinion.

    I was speaking visually, the interface and all.

    I know Tower Defense a bit and WoW PvP much more. The game shouldn't feel all that awkward to me. Beta invite acquired, account created and game currently downloading. My name won't be hard to guess ;P

  9. Stevo, I don't get why you're so worried about this thread. Ofc it'll be useful to see what projects are around. As some mentionned, not everyone knew the existence of some projects. It's not a list of projects that will be released. Think of it as a touring guide of projects.

    Secret projects stay secret, they're more often than none invites-only and tightly organized by the director. There's no need for those to show up here.

    As for #3: judges wut?

  10. I vote for sticky

    Like a few people, I didn't even know some of these projects existed. For the "maybe some should be shut down" comment, it won't necessarly solve the problem of having a whole bunch of projects with a few tracks remaining. It's already well-known that the same artist often ends up working on more than 1 project/track at a time.

    And then some projects either lack on the directing (ex.: not following progress at all) or it can't/won't appeal to a very wide list of artists (like the dead FFT project if I remember well, was piano tracks only).

  11. Yeah some guildies are playing it. It looks like yet another grindfest game but it did last 3 years in AznLand before they came up with a North-American version. Not enough to make me try it, I'm still mitigated on it.

    So anyone think I'll end up with 10 lv80's before Cataclysm comes out?

    I've slowed down the pace by a good amount, I'm trying to gear some of my toons up. And rogue PvP is fun, because I get to Cheap Shot/Kidney Shot clothies and healers for once instead of the other way around bwahahaha!

  12. Making the deadline a few days earlier alone won't help much. There would need to be some sort of C&C "enforcement". Since OCR is more known for having artists on the audio than visual aspect of arts, you can't expect a lot to comment whenever they check a new artwork.

    It's a bit complicated to encourage C&C in a contest-related thread. Usually there's another thread specifically for that. Unless it's like I've seen on some very advanced art forums where submitting isn't anonymous but there are some judges basing their decision on how well the theme is represented, originality, how polished the work looks and so on, while everyone posting in this thread give constructive critics and/or rate the works. Of course it's the kind of forum/thread where you have at least a dozen artists participating monthly and a lot more posting to follow the comp.

    I hope everyone understands what I mean.

  13. Maybe some of you have seen/read about this game before. The release date is soon (Oct. 13th) and since the first time I heard of it, the promoting website took shape. A demo is currently available on PSN and Xbox Live for those who'd like to see a bit more.

    I personnally really like how the game was developped and how the creators inspired themselves. The "making of" video was very entertaining imo. But then again everything related to metal, myths and design does to me <3. Not exactly impressed by the main character (I blame it on Jack Black's voicing) but I think it'd at least deserve a full-weekend rental.

    The official website here

  14. It works just fine on Safari for me. I'm gonna let the file download and listen to it once I'm back from class.

    Old school punk reminds me of way back when I started high school. Simple Plan was called Reset and they were a local underground punk band (moar liek garage/basement band). Everyone had cassette mixtapes of their music 8)

    They've become so mainstream now though...

  15. http://www.powergoat.com/page2.html

    and, to maintain the flow of conversation in this post... i'm interested.

    Yep it's the first song of that page.

    I think I have most if not all the Castlevania songs from VGMix 2 and some more.

    It was interesting and somewhat silly to find out that near the end, most of the Tier1 songs were YES'd on OCR a few weeks later. Some rare songs didn't either because the artist boycotted/just didn't submit or the songs didn't respect OCR's rules (like +6mb files).

    I always saw VGMix as a very elaborated WIP forum that allowed you to upload your unfinished work for a while. Which reminds me... STRIKE911 DAMMIT WHEN ARE YOU GONNA FINISH/REWORK ON THAT GAME & WATCH REMIX!?!?!?!!

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