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Everything posted by finalfantim

  1. "The transitions are cut n' paste sounding" Lol, not the case at all. Sure they have the melodie but that was my point when making I think you forgot the intro and middle part, sure as hell that isnt in the original Sure i now its not the most remixed track out there. I often 'try' to make real remixed music but after a while i get bored with it because its not true to its (i must say) amazing origin. I guess its more of a misinterpretation of 'remix' on my part. The instruments in the original are more synths and organs if i recall correctly (at least, i think it sounds like those things) where mine is pure guitar, bass, drum and orchestra. Some may overlap like some guitar bits, trumpet bits and string bits, but overall they are clearly different while remaining the nostalgic sound from the original but this is my opinion. I guess its just my style to pick a piece, rearrange it to make it (if i may) sound better and more interesting. The tracks i remastered from FFVII where based on original MIDI. I made Battle Not Alone from the ground up. You'll notice the difference in the orchestrations. Just letting you know my point of view here But your right about guitar part...i know/knew. "This does sound cool" That was more my goal with making this instead of it being a remix And thanks for your feedback
  2. Yea i understand what your saying, but i meant im not a student anymore ...i wished i did this in my study years, but i was busy learning 3d stuff instead of playing guitar hehe I believe i could be working professionally, (i already do mastering of sound effects etc. for my own company, not full-time though) but need a guitarist. I can play piano/keyboard though...hehe. Which reminds me to buy a proper full 88 midi piano weighted keyboard. Thanks for your feedback!
  3. Yea, guitars are really my weakest spot since im more of a piano player Although the rhythm guitar isn't all that bad imo. At least it gave me the punch i wanted in my comp hehe. I actually asked a friend of mine to help me out, but neither of us have the equipment. Do you have experience with recording and only emulating the rig with Guitar Rig? Do you have an example of these "power bit + Low/High freq distorted" fake guitar? cause the far end guitars in RoeTaka - Chaos Legion rmx dont seem to have much power but are sounding good in that composition (more synthy which isnt really suitable in my arrangement) I'm interested in collaborating with some guitarist out there who are capable of playing/recording, so if you know someone, please let me know Oh btw, its not 'when' ppl will learn or understand...its more 'want ppl' to learn and understand Remember its a hobby aside my busy job
  4. Thanks for the feedback, ill consider (some of it) next time I agree with you about the cover part...the structure and build up of the main part are mainly in-line with the original (nobuo did a bloody good job on it and wanted to respect that hehe However, its build from the ground by me, inspired by the original tracks. No existing midi used whatsoever If you hear close, you'll hear a lot of detailed adds and changes that i made without disrupting the main tracks from its awesome origin Anyway, thats more a style decision i made after re mastering Final Fantasy IX. Guitar could get alot better once i learned to play one, own one and able to record one hehe Anyway, thats for the judges to decide whether its remixed enough to their standards or not... If not...well thats too bad, i wont be posting again because i respect their choices and i dont want to give up my style you know.
  5. Thanks! ill give it a shot
  6. Hehe yea...guilty no problem, glad you like it. Comments much appreciated! I know what you mean about chord changes and such, in matter of fact i had some a few revisions back but somehow after listening...it didnt feel right. It was right before the first custom orchestra part (an action packed recap of the main melody) and right after first notes of Your Not Alone. BTW it is a ffix melody, its the battle theme + your not alone...did i mistype FFIX? EDIT: apparently not. Anyway, as a motion graphic designer i know how important layering is. Its the same principle with music. When i first made this back in 2009, the synth orchestra sounded kind of flat...now its more layered/stacked/mixed with all the instruments and ranges found in an orchestra which makes it more deep and layered.
  7. Hey guys and girls, This is my first submitted work. I just finished my latest and final version of Battle Not Alone! A rearrangement of FINAL FANTASY IX Battle theme and Your Not Alone! A track influenced by epic soundtrack and trailer music. I made this back in 2009 but since i had time again for one of my biggest hobbies, music, i wanted to rework this one to make it more interesting. The most challenging was balancing out the metal and orchestra part. Both volume- and melody-wise. Im very happy that i managed to keep the volume on a punchy level without destroying it with loudness (+0db) Battle Not Alone! (Final Version) Genre: Soundtrack (Metal, Orchestra) Arranged by: Final FanTim Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Game: FINAL FANTASY IX Tracks: Battle Theme, Your Not Alone Inspiration: Hans Zimmer, Thomas Bergeson (Two Steps From Hell, trailer music) (please watch on 480p or higher quality) Should i submit it to the OCRemix crew? I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome
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