I'm horribly sorry that most of the artwork I'll be linking will be on deviantart. XD
Erm you might remember me from a few month back from the horrible Kirby cover that I did (http://www.deviantart.com/view/12418954/).
Still, I'd love to try out for a much better one this time. Without futhur ado, here's a 'best of, Nintendo related' of my artwork;
2 Koopa Kids, Done in Illustrator;
Paper Symphonia (Horrible Crossover Madness). Illustrator.
Paper Symponia part deux; Raine steals Gombella's monster book. Illustrator strikes again.
X-naut BREAKDANCE. X-naut promo posters. Done in 3d Studio Max, touched up in Photoshop.
Sadra. Sonic's heir in the future. Quick 3d Modeling job. 3D studio Max.
Paper Maria my current 'masterpiece'. Most of the main cast of Paper Mario with a gender switch. Be afraid of Prince Peach. Be very afraid. Background in Illustrator, Main artwork done in Photoshop.
And, of course, ther's the 3D Nintendo. Done in 3D max.
That's about it for video game related artwork, I think. ^^