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Posts posted by icycrispcow

  1. I can't say I know goat personally, but I can say I disagree with the last post. I'm sure goat knows exactly what he was doing and wasn't just playing notes to fill up space. I'm also sure he's a compitent enough guitar player to know about dynamics, but just ops not to use them in a piece such as this because it is not needed for the solo.

    I'd also like to point out when soloing as a lead over an accompniament (sp?) its important for the osloing instrument to actually be heard.

    Anywho, to goat: I really enjoyed this and as always I think your variences in ryhthm really enhance your overall productions. I'd love to see more cross-style productions from you in the future.

  2. I agree with Jared that there seems to be no overall dynamic contrast throughout the piece. I did notice though that within the trumpet/horn section there were minor swells throughout. Chord structure and overall orchestration was top notch. Towards the end the low end sax (I'm hoping it was sax and not a brass instrument) didn't seem to fit and simply came off as an annoying buz.

    There are several points, the beginning in particular where there were solitary note hits in the background which had no impact to the song and became distracting from the splendor of the high ended instruments.

    Violin samples were supurb, I believe i heard piano underlying at some points but there was not much distiction.

    Without being nit-picky I actually did enjoy this piece, I appreciate when remixers attempt to enhance sometimes already briliant scores with their own orchestral flare. Hope to see more work from you on OCR in the future (Possibly parts 2, 3, and 4 of the suite.)

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