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    Canada BC

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. hes pretty easy.. i dont ever remember having trouble with him and ive beat that game like 5 times.. lol, i used to think gigas was impossible, and he actually is unless u pray.. haha.. i fought him for over 2 hours b4 i tried to pray.. lol.. and my brother to this day hasnt figured it out yet and freaks out every time he tries cause he can never kill him.. or beat that game..
  2. haa.. that makes me laugh.. i can take those guys out with laharl in a few moves.. try fighting prinny baal with enemy difficulty raised to the max.. DOOD, HE HAS 13000000 FREAKIN HEALTH not to mention that he kills my lv 8000 (with 20000 levels stored) laharl in one god dam move.. wtf were the programmers thinking.. lol.. but then again, it makes me want to beat him more..
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