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Everything posted by Kindo

  1. Ah, yes. That's probably one of my greatest achievements. I bested Krauser in 15 seconds on Pro, hehe...
  2. Then at least he was a good challence for you. Some speedrunner named Kip i think, took MR down in less than 2 minutes (although he used an in-game glitch). I need some serious help with this one. My friend and I have attempted to beat this SOB for hours upon hours on end (at least twenty tries, all taking about 40 minutes each) on Hard difficulty. If there is a glitch that lets you beat Meta Ridley in two minutes, I would very much like to know about it. Or at least tell us some kind of tactic that works (so far it's been Super Missiles during his second stage; but once he doubles his speed, there's no time to hit him with them anymore). Please... We're getting suicidal here. Help!
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