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Everything posted by NeoRedXIII

  1. Ok, I think I might have found the problem. Apparently I didn't get the Ogg Vorbis Codec installed. I tried running the vorbisacm.inf to install it because I saw it Here under sample problems, but when I did that it asks me to put a disk in labeled the Ogg Vorbis Install disk and run it. I don't have any disk, and how can I get this Codec on my computer. I'm hopeing this is what will solve my problem. Oh, and thanks Skul for your help. I did re-install it which didn't fix it. After that I got a different copy and it gave me the same thing. I'm guessing that it's this codec thing now. Thanks anyways. I got it under control now, thanks for the help I got and such, I hope to stick around here and accomplish great tasks!
  2. Ok... So, it's like 1:15 in the morning and i'm not haveing a good time. I'm not a very good technical person or anything and I'm only like 2 months into much electronic music stuff(FL 3.5). So, I just got myself a copy of FL 4.1 producer edition and ummm, alot of drum sounds don't make any sounds. Alot of the .wav files. I opened them in WinAmp and it tells me there's a missing codec. I went in my computer and checked what codecs I have and made sure they are set to be used for whatever needs it. Is there some codec I need to download? Everything in my FL 3.5 worked fine for me. Please Help me if you can. I'm becoming very unhappy and my legs hurt right now. Thanks. Dave. (First post.. w00t?)
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