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  1. Did you also listen to the original version of "Let mom sleep"? What the composer did recreate (which I forgot to acknowldge and for that I apologise) was the energy, especially from let mom sleep. The remix was too "jungle" for the originals ie. too much bongo too little break-beats, I personally think the composer fused the wrong elements from the songs with one another. Maybe a "That's Enough" and Everybody Jump Around" remix would've been better.
  2. Dude, all i can say is You Rock ALL aspects
  3. Sorry dude i've listened to your track many a time it makes me sad to say; you missed the groove that both the originals have while it isn't ghastly it ain't in my view worthy of being under the Jet Set Radio or even the remix brackets, try listening to the medley on the sound track, while it isn't a remix from the quality timing it wouldn't make it hard to become one. I'm a hardcore JSR/JGR/JSRF fan and I pretty disappointed with this.
  4. This song is awesome but stops and starts too much for my liking, I like a constant stream of the hardcore techno but this certainly is kick @$$!!!!
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