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  • Location
    Wanneroo, West Australia
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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male

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  1. *Please* read the request instructions before posting a request. you haven't mentioned what game its from, or what track it's called.
  2. Okay, story goes that me and my mate Ted E were watching the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (the new one) and as the music for the title was coming on (no, not the dolphin song), he starts beatboxing to it, and it sounded awesome, so i just had to give it a shot at a mix. nice and mellow, a bit repetetive, but i'm happy with it. let me know what you think. http://www.youshare.com/view.php?file=HipE-Hitchhikersguidance.mp3
  3. cheers for that ey, i'm thinking about starting from scratch with this one, got so many more ideas, and the fl file is just all over the place. but i totally agree with everything you guys say. but yeah, as with all my mixes, i do them for me, so if someone doesn't like the way i've done something, it's usally a case of tough cookies, unless i agree with the point. so thanks for the input, and you'll probably hear another version of this soon enough, if i have time in between uni and my entertainment company.
  4. oh well, i'm happy with it. done more for myself than anyone else anyways.
  5. http://www.youshare.com/view.php?file=HipE-Oneforthebravesoul1.mp3 There we go, all finished for ya.
  6. *bump* Finally finished the mix. See first post.
  7. yeah, that was the effect i was going for, hopefully to get the listener to imagine a very moving scene in a movie. I should have a finished mix up sometime, i'm just having trouble finding decent soundfonts for the french horns. (theyre slightly out of pitch on certain notes)
  8. http://www.youshare.com/view.php?file=HipE-Oneforthebravesoul.mp3 Just saw a request for this song so i thought i might try whipping something up. Let me know what you think. - Hip E Update: ok, its pretty much all complete. there are some parts i'm not happy with, but i can't be bothered revamping everything again. Finished mix: http://www.youshare.com/view.php?file=HipE-Oneforthebravesoul1.mp3
  9. http://www.youshare.com/view.php?file=HipE-Oneforthebravesoul.mp3 There we go, far from finished, ignore the last 10 or so seconds, i haven't worked out the right melody yet so i just repeated what i had, but yeah, let me know what you think.
  10. i'm working on a little something right now, i'll post my WIP soon.
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