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Posts posted by kitty

  1. Here's my thoughts on what I would like, in no particular order:

    I will like pretty much anything hand-crafted, painted, drawn, written, etc. as I appreciate the time and effort put into those things. Things like Perler beads, crochet, resin stuff or the like are totally awesome! I'm looking to start scrapbooking in the near future, so if you're a big scrapbooker then anything in that area would be nice. If you want to get some crafts commissioned then you can probably ask Vilecat or Deia to make something!

    As far as food goes, I like cookies, chocolate chip, peanut butter, and white chocolate chip macadamia nut being my favorites. I have a penchant for peanut M&Ms as well. But I'm also trying to work on my diet, so no huge portions!

    I LOVE stuffed animals, but at the same time I am kinda snobby about them. If you would give a stuffed animal to your girlfriend/boyfriend minus the lovey hearts and stuff then it'd be a safe bet to give to me! Squishable.com sells some really cute stuffed animals. I recently received the gray cat squishable and it's sooooooo cute! Plushes from games work well (like League of Legends, Mario, Zelda, Pokemon) but they should be official if you're buying retail since unofficial quality is knockoff crap from China. I'd be cool with fan-made stuff! Like Deia, I loooove kitties (as you might have been able to tell)!

    My music tastes are rather eclectic yet specific at the same time so I would avoid getting me any music.

    I like reading, and the series I'm looking forward to reading is Codex Alera by Jim Butcher. I don't own any of the books in the series. I don't have an ebook reader so if you go this route you'll have to kill a few trees.

    I'm slowly learning music theory, guitar, and FL Studio. I don't have specific wants in these areas but anything you think might help will be cool :)

    For clothing, I wear a guy's medium and rarely large if the size runs short/small.

    As far as gaming goes, I'm trying to wind back on the PC gaming unless it's a casual game. I will have a 3DS!

    If none of that helps you, I will still appreciate the thought and care you put into anything that you decide to give me! You can also ask some people around here who know me a bit more personally, though most are only newish friends/acquaintances.

    EDIT: Oh, unlike 3 of the last 4 posters, I am actually NOT a girl despite my forum handle. ^^;

    TL;DR Easy to read "likes" list: Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, League of Legends, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, crafts, stuffed animals, kitties, guitar stuff/FL studio stuff, D&D 3.5e stuff

    Amazon wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/1LUDDK1KD03EJ

  2. I really really really wish the song was fleshed out more beyond the abrupt ending! I felt like the song built up to this awesome guitar solo (complete with images of lighters waving in the air) and then BAM! nothing. I would love to see a second version with the song coming back down to the tranquil atmosphere of the intro.

  3. Maybe try wearing minimal shoes like Vibram Fivefingers. Big, puffy, modern shoes are pretty biomechanically unstable, and our joints certainly didn't evolve to handle the altered stress distribution they confer to our legs. In fact, before those types of shoes were invented in the 1960s or so, the standard running gait was to land on the ball of the foot first, then fall back to the heel, almost like a prance. It put no undue stress on the ankle, knee, hamstring, gluteal, or lower back regions. Just think about it as a controlled fall.

    You've heard running described as such before, I'm sure, but a controlled fall would be an inaccurate way to describe running in standard, thick-heeled tennis shoes. Instead, when you wear shoes like that, you tend to strike heel first because the brain tends towards the path of least resistance, so it adjusts your gait to take advantage of the bounce you get from the thick rubber heel. The flipside of that is that if you slam your leg into the ground heel first (doesn't sound like a controlled fall, does it? Sounds more like a "stroke"-based gait), you have a tendency to hyperextend many, many joints and muscles along the back of your leg, hip, and back. It ain't natural. So perhaps it's not your gait or some anatomical issue you have that makes running painful, but instead it could be that you wear shoes which aren't suited to your anatomy or natural gait, and THAT is what is making running painful.

    If you do go down the minimal shoe route, you'll also need to retrain your gait which doesn't take all that long. Just watch some youtube vids about barefoot running and practice a bit to get it all figured out. It feels amazing to run with a barefoot gait :D Very effortless compared to a heel-first, forceful gait. Lots more gravity, lots less of Newton's 2nd law.

    edit: The fact that you only feel comfortable "running" on an elliptical is the smoking gun :P Get yourself a pair of minimal shoes (or go barefoot on grass!) and run 4 real!

    This is seriously the post I've been looking forward to reading for about...6 years now? My girlfriend in college kept trying to get me to exercise and run with her but I hated running and I asked her if she had tips for reducing or eliminating the pain and she just shrugged at me and went running by herself. Anyone else I asked just said I was running the wrong way and didn't offer any help. -_-

  4. Yeah my problem right now is I'm socially isolated at home (parents' place) until I move back to Orange County. But I'll keep your advice in mind! I used to do karate and it kept me in decent shape but we didn't get any instruction on how to do push ups and sit ups properly. Last time I went I felt pretty faint from the workout because one of the new sempais pushes everyone really hard. I admit I liked being pushed and it's good for me but he also doesn't let up if we're legit feeling sick or bad from the exercise.

    Do you have a recommended cardio workout?

  5. The best method for me has been to loosely define what I want to do, then set strict goals on the way to that definition. So for example, my loose definition was "I want to lose a bit of fat and gain some more muscle." The strict goals can then go like: gain ten pounds by XX. Once I've accomplished that, then set another goal to gain more by a certain date. Once I get up to the weight I'm looking for (2.4 more pounds, WOOT!), I'll then set a goal to lose a certain bodyfat percentage by XX date, and keep going on that.

    The end result will be me at about 5 to 10 pounds heavier than I started out but with a bodyfat percentage at least 3 or 4 points lower than when I started. May not sound like much, but it makes a pretty big difference.

    Once you set those specific goals, then you can look at how to achieve them (diet, lifting regimen, etc.), and those regimens will keep you busy in sticking with it. But the approach needs to be what's best suited for you, otherwise you'll have a greater chance of burning out. If my description sounds like a boring hell to you, then don't do it! Approach it in a way that makes it appealing to you. I've even heard of a lot of gamers taking an RPG-style approach to their regimens.

    I think right now I'm trying to keep some weight off. I've lost about 8lbs~ but that's more due to a decrease in appetite and isn't the healthiest way for me to have lost that weight. I'm 5'8" and currently 177lbs. I eventually want to get to 160-165lbs but don't have a specific date in mind.

    Until recently, it wasn't uncommon for my weight to be 185-195lbs. Most of my fat is localized in my belly area so I have a little "pouch" as my ex-gf and karate sempai used to call it. I want to get rid of that while building up my stamina.

    Once I've accomplished that or made significant progress, I think I can move on to building strength but I think that's getting a bit ahead of myself.

    I'm sure I can Google some stuff, but since I consider you guys the experts I'll ask you directly: How do I find out what's a healthy weight and BMI for my height? Is there an easy way to measure BMI at home?

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