Not to pick on you, but you're wrong . Anyway, you seem to have a clear grasp of punctuation, which is nice, and you seem to have the ability to write coherently, which is even better... now just use appropriate capitalization and you'll be perfect . Actually, I'd just settle for capitalizing 'I's.
Well, I didn't realize the date, just that it wasn't apparent to me when I FIRST posted my 'n00bishnessiveism' topic. For that miscalculation, I apologize. Yeah, I meant for my punctuation to be on, but I seem to have turned my capitalization off. Yeah, so as before, when I asked you to follow my progress, I hope it has improved to your satisfaction. Oh, as to my spelling earlier, I opted to click 'Submit' instead of 'Preview' prior to my post, to try and head off my boredom before it caught up with me. I try and think ahead, but my mind does trip from time to time.
I see it quite well. Now continue to post with that level of knowledge of written communication, and before you know it you won't be a n00b or a newbie . Another thing you should note, for situations exactly like the one you just mentioned: there's an edit button and a delete button on all your posts. The delete button can only be used on posts that don't have any other posts after them; the edit button can be used at any time, though it's usually polite to note at the bottom what you've edited.
No problem. Well, I guess it was the right time to 'change' because, according to OCR, I am now a Regular (50+). Happy to be here and I look forward to the future. Looks bright, unless you're talking UnMod. Just kidding.