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Crossfire Gambit

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Everything posted by Crossfire Gambit

  1. Oh, OCR is all about games, you just have to make the right post and give it a good subject. What kinda games are you into? If you want I can start a thread on any topic you want if you don't want to. Sorry there's no subforum, but if you want the basics, drop by the GenDisc (General) forum and make posts there. Just because you're a newbie doesn't necessarily mean you have to hang around in the Newbie/Tech Help forum. I was a n00b for less than a day, and this is my second day. You'll fit in fine. If you haven't taken that mystical trip to UnMod yet, you should do so, just in case. Some advice: the UnMod forum isn't so much a school/work friendly enviornment as say GenDisc. So be cautious, but not afraid. As for your suggestion, this site is really under the control and supervision of djpretzel, so that's that. Oh, and no custom avatars, as neminem said. Just make the coolest damn sig you can. Avatars aren't that big anyway. n00bishnessiveism isn't anything to run away from. n00bs are people too. You're two cents are good here. Makes me two cents richer...hahaha...Have fun, and welcome to OCR!
  2. Not to pick on you, but you're wrong . Anyway, you seem to have a clear grasp of punctuation, which is nice, and you seem to have the ability to write coherently, which is even better... now just use appropriate capitalization and you'll be perfect . Actually, I'd just settle for capitalizing 'I's. Well, I didn't realize the date, just that it wasn't apparent to me when I FIRST posted my 'n00bishnessiveism' topic. For that miscalculation, I apologize. Yeah, I meant for my punctuation to be on, but I seem to have turned my capitalization off. Yeah, so as before, when I asked you to follow my progress, I hope it has improved to your satisfaction. Oh, as to my spelling earlier, I opted to click 'Submit' instead of 'Preview' prior to my post, to try and head off my boredom before it caught up with me. I try and think ahead, but my mind does trip from time to time. I see it quite well. Now continue to post with that level of knowledge of written communication, and before you know it you won't be a n00b or a newbie . Another thing you should note, for situations exactly like the one you just mentioned: there's an edit button and a delete button on all your posts. The delete button can only be used on posts that don't have any other posts after them; the edit button can be used at any time, though it's usually polite to note at the bottom what you've edited. No problem. Well, I guess it was the right time to 'change' because, according to OCR, I am now a Regular (50+). Happy to be here and I look forward to the future. Looks bright, unless you're talking UnMod. Just kidding.
  3. I'm still waiting for someone to answer that question...is it a URL?
  4. Not to pick on you, but you're wrong . Anyway, you seem to have a clear grasp of punctuation, which is nice, and you seem to have the ability to write coherently, which is even better... now just use appropriate capitalization and you'll be perfect . Actually, I'd just settle for capitalizing 'I's. Well, I didn't realize the date, just that it wasn't apparent to me when I FIRST posted my 'n00bishnessiveism' topic. For that miscalculation, I apologize. Yeah, I meant for my punctuation to be on, but I seem to have turned my capitalization off. Yeah, so as before, when I asked you to follow my progress, I hope it has improved to your satisfaction. Oh, as to my spelling earlier, I opted to click 'Submit' instead of 'Preview' prior to my post, to try and head off my boredom before it caught up with me. I try and think ahead, but my mind does trip from time to time.
  5. yep, n00b here. i'm a proud supporter of 'n00bishnessiveism', if you need a definition, see the topic 'n00bishnessiveism' in this forum. so i just came in here to say 'hello', and i hope i'm welcomed. sorry about my earlier 'n00bishnessiveism' post to announce my n00b status to OCR, but this wasn't here when i first arrived. looking forward to browsing OCR, downloading music, and contributing to the forum topics. thanks for the 'unwritten rules' of OCR, it was very informative and helpful. thanks to the regulars, i now have a wider scope of the 'do's and don'ts' of OCR. well, see ya around.
  6. no, no, nope...sorry, there's currently no way to post custom avatars anyways, testing...1, 2, 3...testing...is this an acceptable size for a sig image? don't all of you yell at me at once, i'm only a n00b. n00bishnessiveism infection continues...
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