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Posts posted by grayfox9996

  1. I never saw potential in Mean Bean Machine's music, really. Then I heard Jivemaster's take on it. Let me just say I was quite pleasantly surprised with the result. :D

    This song's got everything I could want (and more!) from a Sonic spin-off remix, or even a Puyo Pop remix, or just a puzzle game remix in general. The intro is amazing, and just sucks you in for a great ride. Stuck this on a CD and pumped up the bass in my car; such a fun song!

  2. Great techno track from one of my favorites (Sonic music + Jivemaster = GREATNESS); I always liked the regular tunage on Flying Battery Zone, until I heard this. Amazing work, totally hardcore take on a great song. Especially at 1'10 and 2'21, where the "chorus" line comes in. It flows, it lays down the beats, and it rocks hardcore. As Bill & Ted may say, "Excellent!"

  3. Absolute worst boss for me...Nightmare fight 3 (in Devil May Cry). I was stuck on that boss for months, literally. I started another save afterwards on Hard...yeah, I haven't even fought him, I'm pretty much scared to. And that was a year ago. :oops:

    Love the game...HATE that boss...and MAN is the sword-wielding boss in that game fun! (can't remember the name right now...)

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