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  1. Eh, they didn't scrap it ALL, 'cause there was a trilogy of books based around Nova. Which I never got around to picking up, surprisingly. I'll have to find those now. XD AND: My two cents is still "lay off the heroes, pl0x".
  2. [opinion] If I had the option to tell Blizzard exactly what to make, and trust them to do it right, I'd want a StarCraft 2 worthy of the name. By worthy, I mean: 1) Heroes are NOT the center of the game - WC3 was essentially a party-based RPG with summoned monsters. Which I didn't appreciate. 2) Gameplay mechanics that revolutionize the genre - even if you didn't like SC, it WAS pretty much the first RTS with unique sides (contrast Age of Empires, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, SW: Empire at War, and WarCraft 2). Mix it up, take a chance, make the leap! 3) NOT MMO. Thanks, but if Blizzard's making it, you can be sure they're gonna charge for it, and I'd rather have $15 worth of Dr Pepper than a month's worth of playing a game I already bought. Give us (free) online options, sure, but don't FORCE us to play online. Of course, as my pseudo-HTML shows, this is all my opinion. [/opinion]
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