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Everything posted by Viol8tor

  1. There's a color difference between the 20GB and the 60GB model: http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/specs.html Dammit. I really want the black one, even do its gona be a magnet for finger prints and dust. Gonna have to settle i guess. When i get my PS3, might aswell dish out the extra $$ and get the better one. Why do people think black as so sexy anyway? I mean I like the look of the black PS3 too, but why the craze over the color? I mean Apple showed that there is a craze too, with the whole $150 premium on the black Macbook over the white Macbook. More of a personal taste in my opinion. My Ps3 can match my black PSP. While my white Wii can match my white DS Lite.
  2. There's a color difference between the 20GB and the 60GB model: http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/specs.html Dammit. I really want the black one, even do its gona be a magnet for finger prints and dust. Gonna have to settle i guess. When i get my PS3, might aswell dish out the extra $$ and get the better one.
  3. I want in........50/50.
  4. Quick question: Is there two different colored versions of the PS3 coming out? I cant find any site claiming otherwsie, besides the price, HD, etc difference. Wow, well good thing they can just IMPORT ONE FROM LIK-SANG, AM I RIGHT??
  5. Wow....... Points on the freaky factor, but besides that.......it's a pointless add. "Graphics so sharp that it will make your eyes bleed!!"" "I want one, but i cant afford it....Whaaa" Agreed, but you know that most people are gona use that racist card crap. Probably not the smartest idea for a add, but still. I dont find nothing wrong with it, but it all depends on how you see it.
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