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Newbie (1/14)

  1. thank you thank you!! I like it!
  2. Pleassse....! I beg of anyone willing to help lol...It just kind of feels wierd not to have a sig when you post, makes me feel unimportant lol!
  3. Im still here, Im still here lol
  4. does it help any if I say pretty please....! And also we live in the same city...! H-Town!
  5. Could you try mine?...Itd be greatly appreciated
  6. No problem name:gryphon Theme:dark side of kingdom hearts Text:Once and again Never again Pic:something with sora and kairi being pulled in seperate ways I've wanted one for awhile, and have been lurking for awhile...figured it was time to step into the light
  7. hey scrubzor did you ever get to mine? I wondered what happened to your thread...now I know
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