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Yellow 13

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Posts posted by Yellow 13

  1. yay promotion omg thx

    And I'm up for some Halo 2 Saturday night, although I'll probably leave the room if the party leader decides to do matchmaking. Now that the Halo 3 torrent is out, even more people are going to have access to it so they can spoil the ending for those of us who don't want it spoiled. Jerks.

    Point taken. Good games shall be had. I think if anyone were to spoil the ending to Halo 3, it will be on the scale comparable to...


    Aeris dying in FF7.

    That teleporter coming up was pure dumb luck. :grin:

    I don't care. It still pissed the fuck out of me. What sucks most is every time I think of you or play with you, I'll always remember that and feel bitter. You could have at least (out of pity) let me win that round...

  2. Eh, we can still have our Virtual Clan right here. Same titles and all. The only difference is that Bungie doesn't make it official.

    I'm still willing to assume my role as Overlord (and I keep forgetting to change that damn pic in my sig to state that fact) as I imagine Deej Valen and Wespip will as well.

    The only problem I can see with doing this though is that we'd actually have to keep those who want to be in the clan on our individual friends list. So I have a couple ideas how to remedy that.

    1) We keep everyone on a trial basis. Those who play frequently and are fun to play with can stay.

    2) Anyone inactive from Halo 3 (unless you play another game with that person or have become a "friend" in a sense) will be removed from a friends list after an extended amount of time. Not to say a week, but more like a month. Best not to keep our individual friend lists gummed up by others just to keep the clan together. If you don't play frequently enough, it might just be better to not join.

    3) Favored players from the original clan are allowed in no questions asked. On that note, Wespip, I think we should go through our current Halo 2 clan list and at least go through and find the more prominent players and remove the others we've more or less never seen play Halo 2. It'll make the job a bit easier.

    Those are my ideas. And of course, the title page of the new thread will feature a member list making management a little easier as well.

    And for sake of those who still play Halo 2 in the coming days ahead, we should probably still keep the Halo 2 clan active, if anything for reminiscing purposes.

    Okay that being said...

    I'll be getting my copy of Halo 3 opening night (Might as well, since my friend is having a B-day party like a block away from where I reserved my copy and the party will be over around 10 or 11). However, don't expect me online until after I've finished campaign which shouldn't be more than a couple days (Don't want some snot-nosed 10 year old brat spoiling the end for me). My family will be back east for about a week, so there will be at least one or two overnighters at my disposal so good times are at hand.

    So as fellow player and Overlord, we'll see ya guys at Halo 3 real soon. Looking forward to many more sleepless nights and lots of fun with ya guys again :)

    (And to kick it off, who's up for a few more "last" Halo 2 games Saturday night? I don't have to work so I've got free reign that night)

    Edit: Oh and approved on Icy Guy joining the Overlord ranks. Although I'm still bitter over the other night playing sonic of all things, Icy.... you ass <3

  3. So apparently Gears of War does suck balls online, especially when you get paired up with this guy. Apparently this guy has played in the MLG which you would expect to be a little more mature instead of an ass. But no. Guy trash talks like no tomorrow and is overall just a dick. If you guys ever run into him... ever... just leave. It's not worth hearing him scream at the top of his lungs how much his team (you) suck and leave you bad feedback just because you and his team lost the match.

    Doesn't matter anyway with Halo 3 coming out next week anyway. But you won't see me playing matches until I've finished campaign.

    Sorry. Just a little bitter that I have 100% unsupportive in my feedback now because of that. Sticks out like a sore thumb you see :( .

  4. I think his/her Gamertag's "Dead gone Halo2." Why that got prefixed with "IGN is" is beyond me.

    Anyway, I present to you guys the video of the full game of Royal Fiesta on Zanzibar, in all its half-hour glory (170 MB): http://files.filefront.com/RoyalFiesta+Zanzibarwmv/;8494097;/fileinfo.html

    You know, I was just about to bug you about that until low and behold :D

    I'll download it when I get home from work. Who's up for a few games either tonight or tomorrow?

  5. I got a 52 kill spree one time, I believe the game called me an Inhuman Bastard or something.

    Are you sure that wasn't in Halo 1? Because I tested that on a two player match at 100points and it just kept giving me overkill medals every 5 points after 25 =/

  6. I don't know, but I hope there's more from wherever that came from. :wink: Anyway, here's Enn's random singing: http://files.filefront.com/Enn+randomsingingwmv/;8363113;;/fileinfo.html

    And here's the game in which I FINALLY got a Triple Kill off of two people. All that's left on my Halo 2 checklist is to get a Killtrocity in matchmaking, Killamanjaro in matchmaking, and an Overill in matchmaking (I've come SO DAMN CLOSE, but I'm cursed with a 23-kill max spree :sad:).

    Oh gee, ONLY 23!? I think my best legit spree was 17

    In any case, SGX showed up the other night and Wespip and I played a couple of games with him. It would seem to me that people are starting to get warmed up for Halo 3(?)

    Good times ^_^

    And if anyone would like to play a few games this coming thursday I'd be up for a few. Even Bioshock can't keep me away from Halo :)

    Oh, and I plan on singing Loser by Beck next time we sing... prepare to have ringing ears for a few days.

  7. As you were not on (or maybe you were, I was out seeing a movie), I will probably play tomorrow night. Others should join in as well

    And Wespip, what the fuck? You left without letting me know you were leaving, least you could have done was say "later" or something instead of randomly signing off :<

  8. Anyway, Wes was supposed to sing in this video, but there wasn't a lot of that happening: http://files.filefront.com/WesPip+supposedtosingwmv/;8026571;;/fileinfo.html Watch for an epic kill-steal at the end. In fact, it was so epic, I had to do a replay.

    Yes! That was probably my finest Halo 2 moment ever!

    Edit: I didn't realize just how epic that kill-steal was until I watched that video. You were about to kill Jeff, then all of a sudden a purple flash of light rips through Jeff's elite's head!

    Epic... just as you said.

    Actually, if you look at Icy's death screen before that happened, you see me pick up a beam rifle and get into position from where I sniped for the last point. Awesome ^_^

    Also, I found a bit of news that Deimos might be interested in: http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/07/11/ace-combat-6-demo.aspx

    Are you fucking serious!? Ima download this RIGHT NOW.

    Edit (Last one I swear): I would like to do another game night soon. I can play without suffering the reprocussions of being up late on Saturday night, but I can also play friday night.

  9. It's okay if you can't make it. But I'll probably be on late, around maybe 10:00 or 11:00. Besides, I need to re-download all the maps since I've migrated to a 360.

    Edit: That was probably the worst singing ever.... lol.

    My next songs will be:

    Loser - by Beck

    Welcome to the Jungle - Guns and Roses

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