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Posts posted by Razor-man

  1. I listened to the track and didn't enjoy it very much. Though there's been a bit of controversy over vocals here, those really were the negative points for me, as I found it hard to listen to the rest of this mix. I've heard a version without the vocals and had no problems with the arrangement itself, nor the notion of it being a vocal remix, as I think it certainly lends itself to that. People have said that being rough around the edges is fine, and it is given the circumstances governing the making of this mix, but my qualm is that the vocal preformances do not mesh well together...at all. If during the duet section one peformer had been used exclusively, either one, I think I would have found this more tolerable. The two just don't work well together and the end product is rather disjunctive.

    The lyrics also bother me, but then I think I'm supposed to regard this as a 'bit of cheese' and forgive the lifeless, cliched lyrics - so I'm not going to make that a major issue.

    I know each of the respective collaborators on this mix are very talented people and I know they can do sterling work. However, even for a hastily thrown together project, I think this is far below their standards. Made in fun or not, this mix was submitted to the community and therefore is put under scrutiny by said community. This is my genuine response to this mix: I didn't enjoy it.

  2. I don't think anybody can really flaw it's construction, though i think a little more creativity in movement from the mixes three main songs would have been interesting. Again, like other critics, this piece is really something you'd imagine as something off of a soundtrack to a film or game; something you didn't really notice whilst it was playing in the background. I don't think this is necessarily a negative point. Such tracks are good for listening to whilst working on something, or if you want something unintrusive while you're doing something like driving.

    Actually the reason i wanted to post a review, was because i noticed the mixes name and smiled. I live in England (for those who don't know) and actually fough at Kenilworth castle earlier this year, with a re-enactment group that my friend belongs too. Had such a good time, and wouldn't have minded hearing this on the battlefield. I've got some pictures of the castle and event on my harddrive, in case anybody ever wants to see. Maybe i should make a thread sometime.

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