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Posts posted by Refelos

  1. Maybe it's a sign?

    Whatever the reason for everyone's return may be I'm loading my shotgun and gassing my chainsaw. No sense in not being prepared.

    not to sound like a nutcase, but just yesterday i bought steel wool to make rust for thermite and im planning on making a 4 winds gun...i played left 4 dead for the first time in months and it spooked me.

  2. i think of your level of furry tolerance like a "not quite spiritual/persona" trait. some people believe in a giant man who lives in outer space and dictates the universe. some people feel like they were born in the wrong era and would fit in better decades or centuries past. others think that its ok to lie, cheat, and steal. "furries" simply find it easy to relate their values, ideals, and flaws with the virtues of animals.

    keep in mind that we as a race gave those animals said virtues.

    people dont look twice when you say that someone was an animal in bed but if you were to whine and nuzzle someone as an appology youre some kind of pervert (meant in the odd, not sexual way.)

    as far as the sex goes: everyone has their fetishes. the reason the tubgirl was photographed is because someone thought it was erotically pleasing. the same is true with furry porn. the reason it gets so much flak is more than likely because of how fictional it is. anthros dont exist. therefore its further away from the norm and easier to be accosted.

    coop's right, the art (most of it, anyways,) is just as technically empowered as drawings and paintings of real people. i dont know if he realized it but his second pic is actually a HIGHLY published work


    if you saw the picture earlier and was disgusted by it, how do you react to it now?

  3. this is comedy gold. can someone shoop some of the more memorable lines onto an image of some real-life troll like lohan or something?

    seriously. you've been on the internet since '02 and you don't realize that saying shit like this doesn't do anything except for provide more material for those antagonizing you? how old are you? fourteen?

    seriously, timbaland, just take a shill pill and go steal someone else's chiptune.

    Whoa, i do NOT remember you being such a dick back in the 04 era. before i read this post i was about to defend you a bit but fuck that now. you just seem like a jerk now.

    as for join date==influence goes i'll say that theres a positive correlation, just with a lot of outliers. the proof is all around us. ive got screenshots of posts from the blue days and if i were to post them now everyone there then would now go, "o snap, i remember that. i miss that guy." theres a reason this thread is popular and a reason people go, "o hey! refelos!" when i post after lurking for a year.

    i wasnt an epic character like coop, maha, flanking line, gaea, or that one fellow who lived in WA and married her, (christ what was his name? the one with ALL the alt accounts?) but i did my fair share of nice work. anyone remember the photoshop journal? im sure some do, it was a great thread. i wasnt ever a celebrated poster, but i had a lot of friends here. what have the 08's done? this place is like fucking 4chan now.

    there never was a golden age of unmod, but its been a lot fucking better, and the crowd dictates the content.


  4. hey global. good to see you too. and those communists at photobucket can kiss my ass. they deleted my whole account because of one picture that had an anime girl in a transparent bikini. never mind that they have never done ANYTHING to my other bucket that i used to post furry porn here from. ITS STILL THERE.

  5. hey fellows. havnt been here in a while, sheesh.

    2 questions: is this the only thread worth reading like it seems, and what happened to lurch that he's resting in peace? i miss that old bastard.

    03-22-2003, 08:33 AM


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    Default Keep OCR Free

    Lately it has come to our attention that the forums of Overclocked Remix have a small number of Communists in their midst. We ask you, the average, everyday OCR member to give us the name of at least one known Communist on the boards. Doing so will not only stear us toward these offenders, but it will also clear your own name of any wrong doing. Providing us with a name will automatically take you off our known Communist list. Your cooperation will be greatly appreiated.

    The following OCR members are confirmed Communists:



    endblink's sister

    Cudly Gecko


    Legato Bluesummers

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    arashi no tora


    Space Cowboy

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  6. Yeah, I live 40 miles from PETA HQ. One of the local radio stations has a fishing tournament on the pier in front of the building every year. It's quite fun. But I'm sure they'll be getting a piece as well.

    i didnt know you were a Virginia folk.

    and yes, while the FM99 PETA bass fishing tournament is all in fun sacrificing a goat to a videogame is crazy.

    maybe sony secretly sac'd it to satan for better ps3 games/sales.

  7. It's best to let djp win. Even if he bans all of the UnModders, he still would have destroyed most of the site's activity.

    unmod was the only reason i came back after a year hiatus. this place kinda sucks, but the say what you feel attitude of the unmodders is what made this place worthwhile.

  8. anyone remember Jack Of Blades from Fable? He was hard :sarcasm:

    seriously though. The final battle in Lunar 2 is a royal pain in the ass.

    the fight with zophar where he grabs lucia and then she like sacrafices herself to heal you back to full and you have to fight him when hes got like 6 parts? its been a while since ive played it.

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