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Posts posted by Winter_Stardust

  1. Usually I'm not one who likes mainly solo instrument mixes, (like one that is just piano, for example).

    Or in this case, acoustic (Sp?).

    But in this case I must say this one is rather pleasing to listen to. The guitar is well played, the song was a good choice, and although some parts DID have to be changed to "fit" said instrument, I personally think it worked rather well. It makes me think of a song you'd hear at the beginning/ending of an epic mini-series (no offence to the remixer is intended in that statment, you know, if they don't like mini-series.)

    Nice accompaning music in the background. Not to bold or "IN YO FACE" blaring like so many other mixes I've heard.

    Once again, in closing, I think this is a rather pleasing mix to listen to.

  2. The opening sounds like Tessie's theme, and the middle of the mix sounds kinda like the Sea of Eden track.

    I just checked on this, and this is indeed from the Sea of Eden ["Magicant2" on the .RSN]. Rellik did a VERY good job of remixing it - I don't think even die-hard EarthBound fans will be recognize this on the first listening.

    Totally cool, someone quoted what I said. Thanks DJ Josef Stalin. That (in a odd way) made my day! :D

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