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  1. Parappa The Rapper EP Project Director: Cole Train (Blacimar) Artist(s): [Needed] Web Designer: [Needed] Trailer: [Wanted] Project Overview Sheet So, Parappa the Rapper! It's great, and I love the cheesy music in that game. But there isn't much representation of it on this site, which I find weird given that it in a way invented the rhythm game genre as it is. But I'm out to give the game the treatment it deserves with this EP. The idea of this project is simple and something original for OCRemix. I'm planning for this to be an album composed of only vocal remixes. Hip hop/rap and R&B vocal remixes at that. No album on Overclocked (that I know of) has done either of those, and probably for good reason. Vocal remixes are for certain hated by some, but given the game that this is, in my eyes it would be criminal if this wasn't a full force hip hop album. So What's Needed? Well, as you can see above, we need the normal jazz for albums: An artist for one of those amazing album covers, a web designer to, well, design the website for the album to be hosted on, and someone to make a trailer for the album. Other than that, we of course need our music artists, who I'm gonna be checking in with and be in contact with, who are going to remix eight tracks from the game. If you want to claim a track, reply to this thread, pm, or email (nathanocole@gmail.com) me expressing interest, describing what you wanna do with the track of your choice (as in style and idea). Singers, those who play an instrument(s), vocalists, and other rappers who don't claim a track who aren't in a group/cooperation for a track will be put in the collaborators section along with their skill. Just reply to this thread or pm/email me expressing interest with previous work if you want to be a collaborator. From there, artists working on their track could reach out to you to get you on. Tracks Remember folks, diverse styles of hip hop are encouraged, so don't be afraid to let your creativity let loose. Any subgenre of hip hop, from jazz hop, gangsta rap, rap metal, trap, and anything in between is fair game. WIP deadlines will be discussed at a later time, but I have no deadline for the EP to be out. Take the time to make sure you're 200 percent satisfied with your tracks I say. If you show to me a lack of effort or care on your part to me though, I won't hesitate to drop you from the project, be mindful of that. Also if you have an idea for one of the smaller tracks from the game that aren't listed below (Maybe you got a mean idea for Jet Baby, I dunno), contact me about that as well. Remixes of those could be added. Maybe we could call this an album at some point instead of an EP (wishful thinking, I know). Tracklist ** = Must Haves (Purple = Claimed Yellow = WIP Green = Complete) **Chop Chop Master Onion Rap (zykO) Love You Rap (Aramis616 [Vocals] + ??? [Needs ReMixer]) **Instructor Mooselini's Rap (ThirdKoopa) **Prince Fleaswallow's Rap (Navi) **Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken Rap Katy and Sunny Band Anthem **All Master's Rap **Live Rap With Mc. King Kong Mushi (Overclocked University) **Funny Love (DaleNorth) Sign of Happiness Joe Chin is Here The Jet Baby Smooth Life of Mine Paradise Straight To Hell Thank You For Everything Collaborators Cole Train (Blackimar): Vocals: Rap and Singing (Baritone or Bass) Smooth4lyfe: Vocals: Rap (https://soundcloud.com/smooth4lyfe) Aramis616: Vocals: Rap (https://soundcloud.com/aramis616/tracks) (Check Love You Rap)
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