Hello OCR Community, I am very very excited to bring to you my upcoming first album, Silius : 0373.
This is a remix album of Sunsoft's hidden gem, Journey to Silius, which has a special place in my memory, and which had some of the best music in any Sunsoft game, and that's saying a lot!
This album is mostly a solo effort, but it also features collaborations with Jivemaster and Showroom_Dummy. I am planning on releasing the album in a couple of months, so I thought I should share with you the amazing trailer (with great custom artwork) by The Coop.
Bringing this to you is a very special event for me, as it feels like OCR has brought me to this point. WIthout OCR, this wouldn't be possible. I am hoping to releasing this at OCRecords (fingers crossed!)
Let me know what you think, share if you like, and like if you like!
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sirnutsmusic soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sir_nuts twitter: https://twitter.com/PMichaelMolina