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If you caught the thread a while back where I was bitchin and moanin about a dumbass director who wanted a score done in like 3 days with no footage given to me, yes, this is for that project.

Long story short, I've resumed work on it after clearing some things up and getting a solid schedule outline from the director that I think is doable. I'm done with my album and finally nicely ahead in terms of printing and shipping orders, so I've got time to do this. Onward!

Spent a couple hours tonight and threw this together for the opening and title credits part where the main theme will bust in overtop a montage of I believe two characters driving in a car through parts on N.Y.

The movie is a 25 minute Korean Mafia crime romance tragedy thing that's pretty moody and dark.

This is rough - I want to smooth out that glitchy pattern, add details to some stuff, probably take OUT a few elements because I think the director is interested in a more minimal soundtrack. Perhaps ideas I cut for the opening will come back when I have more room to expand on this during the end credit roll.


I'm thinking about taking the work I do on this soundtrack and expanding upon it to put together an EP of music from and inspired by this film. I'm only asked to write 10 ish minutes of music and you don't get a whole lot of time to rawk all your ideas until you have to get out of the way in a film score, so it could be cool.


Thanks for listening.

I actually ran this with the footage of the part the director wants me to be writing this for and I went way overboard...it's too busy for film music in this scene. I cut like all the melodic parts out and changed a few things and it fits better now. I've sent it off for him to listen.

I really like my first cut though and I want to complete the idea at some point. I'm thinking about maybe releasing an EP of the soundtrack with some music inspired by the stuff that does make it into the film. In film, you really need to stay with the basics and not get in the way, so if I can have the film edits of songs, then go on and develop them into a second cut that develops into a full piece of music for listening, I'll have a bunch of interesting material I think.

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