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Hey hey,

Being a composer, my dream job is to write music for video games (like most people here). I'm just now getting a handle on making music on non-notation music sofware like Fruity Loops (I usually use notation software like Sibelius). After all my research into the genre, I made this little demo for a game my brother is making (he's a grad student at Digipen). Any feedback is appriciated. Enjoy!


btw, I haven't done much balancing, panning or any other production to it yet. Waiting for more feedback.



A few of the synths (or whatever they are) in the beginning are used very often. In my opinion, way too often. Changing them would give your song a less familiar feel.

It's very soft on the ears. I don't know what the game is, so judging the song in context would be impossible, but it reminds me of going through the menu on one of those casual MSN games my mom plays, but with a little more varied tastes. Nothing too rough or detracting from the game itself--although there is a little. I'm not really going to comment beyond that on the subject because then it gets into taste, but if that's what you wanted, goal achieved.


Thanks for the comment. Do you mean the synths in the beginning are used too often in my peice or in general within the music community? Right now, I'm just using some cheep/free soundfonts.

From what I've learned about video game music, a composer shouldn't distract the gamer with music that sticks out too much. Maybe I went a little overboard on that concept? This game reminds me of the earlier Bomberman games (I know, obscure reference) so I tried to keep it at a mid-range excitment level.


In my opinion, your song is interesting enough that people will want to listen, but not interesting enough they'll want to rip it from the game. But then again, if you want my opinion, immersion (into the game, from the music) can come from the theme of the song, or the player can be enjoying the song a hell of a lot and will be hooked onto the game as an interactive visual of the song, and vice versa.

But that's my opinion. I seem to be a minority among people actually involved in making games. I think you perfectly completed your goal in terms of involving without being detracting.

As for the sound fonts, they are just very familiar. Whether they, or similar ones, are used very often, I don't know. They just FEELS like I've heard them, and more than once. Specifically, the violin(?) synths and plucky things.

Even if you don't want your song to be distraction, using an instrument that is found especially (or bonus points for only) in the environment of the game might make the song itself neater. Or, you could say you're already done. It's hard for me to talk more, again, because any farther gets into taste.

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