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Metal Gear 2 Snakes Revenge, "Password"


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Hello there, I've been coming here for years now, but I registered just now to make requests.. which I had been planning to do for years :/

This one deserves a go, is pleasing to the ears, a classic, and one rarely looked at. I fear it has been looked over for all these years so unjustly. I hope someone can use this song and give it the glory it deserves.

This song is the song you hear when you are inputing your password for the game "Metal Gear 2: Snakes Revenge"

I am a metal gear fan, but I really really liked this game, even though Kojima didn't produce or create it I believe. It was a very good game imo, and in fact all the music from the game was extremely good. The composer is "T. Ogura" and strangely, listening to the soundtrack to this game right now, it seems his music even nowadays is a bit avante guarde, though it may just be my nostalgic senses playing a trick on me. Yet even now, from since I was a child, this music gives me the chills, as was his intention by which u can tell when he inserts tones that "rise" in sound (I think) at certain parts. I'm not sure what to call it, but it gives you shivers.

The song "Password" I really like and I can never seem to forget. It can psych me up or I can fall asleep to it. Anyways, I hope someone likes it so it's not forgotten in the ages. T, Ogura's songs in this game are actually all quite good, such as "Searchlights and Sentries" and "Different Perspective", but as I said, they are all good, and anyone could make an easy high quality remix. It's on the Nes platform, but man, theres no songs on the Nes that do what this guy does. It's some kinda reverberation thing thats just amazing and strange it could possibly be coming from a nes game.

Anyways, thats my first request. I have a small .nsf file I d/l'ed a long while ago, and I have an MP3 of the song "Password" and the album. I got it from underground-gamer.com (I hope I'm not breaking any rules by linking that site, I'm still new to posting here) . If you get the Mp3 album, I suggest you download the whole torrent even though it's huge just because my version seems corrupted just a tad because I selectively got only the MG Snakes revenge album (at least I'm pretty sure thats why).

Feel free to message me if you need me to send either to you.

Thank you to the people who read my request and any kind person(s) willing to attempt a ressurection on such awesome music that has been forgotten by it seems all but myself T_T. may the power of snake be with u

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