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I like straight mixes. When I say straight mixes I mean updated arrangements of songs that enhance their original feel, faithful remixes that don't try to drastically change the style or tone of a song, or just remixes with a solid melody that don't try to stray too far from it. For example, Track 01 entitled "Hangarmageddon" on the Doom Remix Project (http://doom.ocremix.org/media.html) is what I'd consider a perfect straight remix of the music in the first level of Doom.

What I'd like to see are some good straight mixes of Mega Man themes/intro-stage tracks that this site is severely lacking in. And there's so many good ones to choose from, here are some of my favorites.

Mega Man Theme from 7

Intro Stage - Track 4 - Mega Man 7 OST


Zero's Theme from X

Zero - Disc 1 - Track 7 - Rockman X1~6 Album


Mega Man's Theme from X4

Opening Stage X - Disc 3 - Track 4 - Rockman X1~6 Album


Zero's Theme from X4

Opening Stage Zero - Disc 3 - Track 5 - Rockman X1~6 Album


Zero's Theme from X5

Opening Stage Zero - Track 4 - Megaman X5 OST


Zero's Theme from X6

Zero - Disc 5 - Track 24 - Rockman X1~6 Album


Opening Music from Zero 2

Departure - Disc 1 - Track 28 - Rockman Zero 1~3 Album


Honestly for most of these songs I'd just love to see the main melody done with electric guitar and whatever else you feel is necessary. The links to blue-bomber are sometimes unresponsive but after a few tries they should work, if necessary I can upload the files somewhere myself.


Straight remixes generally have a hard time making it onto the site as there is some treshold set for reinterpretating the source material. It's to encourage creativity, though most of the stuff I've heard on OCR the past years feels way too detached for me to enjoy them.


Yeah I've noticed, I've heard one too many hip-hop or techno remakes of a good song being called "awesome" while the less "creative" ones aren't. Guess I'm really just looking for another remix site then.


The Dwelling of Duels competition has had many entries (particularly Mega Man and Final Fantasy during the Free Months) along those lines, if you're into rock arrangements. I'll pull out some examples:

BrainCells - FireMetal

Prince of Darkness - Zero Light

Vegeroth - Robotic Demise

norg - Black Ice

Ryan8bit - Stab The Earth

And of course: Mega Man Month (This was 2004, so some of these tracks are quite old. Keep that in mind. :P)

VGMix also sees quite a few tracks that are more straight covers rather than remixes, although both VGMix and DoD have a good amount of arranged remixes as well.

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