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Beatport Remix Contest - Vote for me!

The Vagrance

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I figure since zircon said we can get one GenDisc thread a month (or something) I might as well use mine on this.



I am requesting OCR's support in voting for me in Beatport's Remix Contest of "Music is the Answer" by Danny Tenaglia and Celeda. The prize for winning is a $1300 mixer which I will admittedly sell as soon as I get it so I can buy a different piece of musical gear. Anyway, I worked really hard on my remix and I feel it is one of the stronger ones in the contest and I'd really appreciate your support.

In order to vote you have to sign up to Beatport, which I recommend doing anyway because its a quality electronic music site (a bit expensive but often worth it). Once you do that, just give my track a "spin".

Once again, the link:


Thanks for your support

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