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Kirby Series, King Dedede's theme


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I'm generally surprised compared to the other Nintendo franchises how few Kirby mixes there are on OCremix. The ones here are very good, I'm particularly fond of the Rise of the Star album.

Gotta love DarkeSword's 'Final Flight' and Darangen's 'Free Breezin' especially. But still, one thing that I always thought the Kirby series strong points was the music (especially the original NES game), so I'm surprised that a lot of the tunes are still untouched within this community.

One of my personal favourites is King Dedede's battle music. I'd love to see a few different takes on this.

I know it's probably even more unlikely now, with the fantastic Smash Bros Brawl arrangement of it, but it's a fun tune. I'm sure loads of you guys could do some fantastic stuff with it if you were up for giving it a shot :-D

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