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VG Opinion Poll results!

This was the question posed last week:

Veteran Gamer Opinion Poll #3

In a FPS, which is more tempting?

a) writing your name on the wall with bullets

B) maiming NPCs

c) blowing up everything and everyone

d) turning on your teammates

Here's what you said:

a - 1 vote (14.29%)


b - 2 votes (28.57%)


c - 4 votes (57.14%) WINNER!


d - 0 votes (0.00%)

Looks like the pyros are having a field day. Thanks to all the virtual firearms experts who voted this round. You make my not-so-hard work worthwhile. As usual, there is a sig (this time I'm just linking to my Photobucket account).

Thanks again and look out for another poll next week! Only a few remain (good news for those of you getting sick of seeing these).

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