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Mash mix in need of opinion


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I know ocr doesn't accept mash mixes, but I was wondering if I could still get an opinion on it.


If the above link doesn't work, I just updated my music and imeem is being a tard, just click here:


and manually select "London's Mighty Element."

Basically, I let the track of "Future Sound Of London - Papua New Guinea" just run full out and then added in parts of 2 other songs, "Black Mighty Orchestra - Ocean Beach (Cybophonia Cinematic)" and "The 5th Element - Diva Dance (total opra mix)."

Please let me know how you like it.

Edit: Ok, I used this spot because it was titled "non-remixes" and to my understanding, a mash mix is not considered a remix. But it is not an untouched original piece, nor is it incomplete. So I'm going to try the remix forum 1 up from here - and I don't see a "delete thread" button anywhere.

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