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OCR01073 - *YES* Super Mario RPG 'Waltz of Pain' *RESUB*

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Dhsu here again, this time submitting a little collaboration with Blak_Omen. This happens to be a piano solo arrangement of "Sad Song" from Super Mario RPG, a track most commonly associated with Mallow. Blak_Omen produced the arrangement and sheet music, and I performed it.

Since this is a resubmit, you probably know by now that Blak_Omen's initial submission was rejected several months ago; however, the judges' comments seemed to imply that all it needed was a human touch (original decision here: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=14610). I listened to it myself and immediately realized there was something special about Blak's arrangement. I saw such enormous potential...I became enamored, perhaps obsessed, with it and offered to provide the previously-mentioned "touch" for him. In fact, I decided to add a few touches of my own while I was at it, so you might notice a slight difference from Blak's original submission (original track here: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/1/blakomenmusic.htm , click on hifi stream, near the bottom of the page). Various circumstances prevented me from working on it for a while, but this month I got a burst of inspiration and finished recording the MIDI (MC provided the MP3 rendering). So altogether, it's been almost a year in the (re-)making...I hope it was worth it. Although I may never rival the likes of MC or Spekkosaurus, I can at least give it my best shot.


Dhsu (khabarakh1@juno.com)


Blak_Omen (darketernal_13@hotmail.com)



Sounds like the problems with the first version have been fixed. This is a pretty darn solid mix.


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