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I was hoping it would be possible for one of the musical geniuses on this site to create a remix of sounds that games make when the player saves into one awesome song. A couple of cool tones and tunes could be from games like:

Donkey Kong Country series

Dragon Quest series

Mario 64

Mario RPG

Fire Emblem

Resident Evil series

All JRPGs like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, etc.

And so on and so on. I think it would be cool if some one would be able to use all of those sounds to make a song. I hope someone here is up to the challenge.


Sound effects? Like 1up? How is that suppose to work? They're just sound effects. If it's a medley of sound effects you want, I don't think it's musically possible. Sound effects are very short and to make a medley you need at least 4, 8, or more measures for a complete phrase. Sound effects are meant to be tied to events and objects. it cannot be played alone.

If it's not a medley you want, but just individual tunes, then sure it'll work.


Well, not simply just the sound effects, but a musical background beat, with saving sound effects as notes and played into the song in a cool way. I guess it's kind of hard to explain. Do you get it at all? I just thought it would be a cool song. I bet it would be a challenging project though.


Oh I see what you mean. I would love to try! Send me original sfx's (any game of your choice) in high quality (no background interference), single note sfx or very short sfx, must not be a soundfont used in the game's background music, and a couple short jingles like 1up from mario. I think the choice of music would be super mario medley.

The hard part is finding them. If you get me the mp3's or wavs then I can probably do it. Don't think about extracting audio from youtube. EVER! If anyone extracts audio from youtube to be used in their mix, shame on you! Anyways... good luck finding them :sleepdepriv:

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